Process Engineering

Der Studiengang vermittelt fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in der chemischen und thermischen Verfahrenstechnik, der Biotechnologie oder der Lebenmitteltechnologie



Biotechnolocgical Conversion Processes


General knowledge of basic conversion processes and techniques

Teaching methods Lecture/Lab
Learning target / Competences

By the end of the module, students…

  • understand and apply the fundamental principles in the field of bioprocesses engineering
  • will have improved lab skills to transfer guidelines in an experimental setup
  • know the principles of basic Biotechnological Conversion processes to gain gaseous and liquid energy carriers
  • will be able to summarize complex scientific topics in a time limited oral presentation
  • will summarize own experimental results according to a guideline
  • will be able to setup an experimental device according to a given scientific problem
Duration 1
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60
Individual / Group work: 90
Workload 150
ECTS 5.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written Exam, 60 minutes, weight 70 %

Lab, weight 30 %

Responsible person

Mr. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wilke

Recommended semester 1. Semester
Frequency Annually (ws)

Master MPE


Biotechnological Conversion Processes

Type Lecture
Nr. M+V2504
Hours per week 2.0

The course is structured as follows:

  • Fundamentals in Bioprocess Engineering:
    Basic Bioreactors, Mode of Operation (Batch/Fedbatch/Continous), Characterization of Bioreactors, Compartment Model
  • Biogas process:
    Engineering aspects, biological stages, economic and ecological aspects, current research topics
  • Biotechnological ethanol process:
    Microbiological background, application, current research topics
  • Biotechnological acetone/butanol process:
    Microbiological background, application, current research topics
  • Research in biotechnological conversion processes:
    Microbial fuel cells, microalgae technology
  • Gabriele Di Blasio, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Giacomo Belgiorno, Pravesh Chandra Shukla: Clean Fuels for Mobility, E-Book, Springer, 2022
  • Deublein, D.; Steinhauser, A.: Biogas from Waste and Renewable Resources, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2. rev. and exp. Edition, 2011
  • Blaschek, H.-P.; Ezeji, T.; Scheffran, J.: Biofuels from Agricultural Wastes and By-Products, Wiley Blackwell, 2010
  • Vertes, A. (ed.); Qureshi, N.; Yukawa, H.; Blaschek, H.-P.: Biomass to Biofuels: Strategies for Global Industries, Wiley, 2010

Lab Biotechnological Conversion Processes

Type Lab
Nr. M+V2530
Hours per week 2.0

In this course the students will learn:

  • basic chemical laboratory safety rules.
  • pretreatment methods of organic substrate (enzymatic/mechanical) to increase the biogas kinetic and /or the biogas yield
  • setup and operation of the Biogas test device according to VDI 4630
  • measurement of (organic) Dry Mass according to the DIN
  • measurement of the CO2 and CH4 concentration in the biogas evaluation and presentation of the result
  • Deublein, D.; Steinhauser, A.: Biogas from Waste and Renewable Resources An Introduction; 2. rev. and expanded edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, October 2010
  • VDI 4630: Fermentation of organic materials - Characterization of the substrate, sampling, collection of material data, fermentation tests; 132 pages; Herausgeber: VDI-Gesellschaft Energie- und Umwelt; 11.2016