Enterprise and IT Security

Der fortgeschrittene Master-Studiengang Enterprise and IT Security (ENITS) öffnet Türen und hilft auf dem Weg zur Führungsposition im Bereich IT-Sicherheit.



Master's Thesis


All ENITS courses of the first and second semesters, especially completed project work (ENITS-06)

Teaching methods Thesis/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

- detailed work on a given topic related to IT security
- theoretical elaboration and (detailed) practical preparation
- written documentation (approx. 80 pages)
- cover the essential aspects of the Master’s thesis
- written in accordance with scientific criteria
- presentation and defense of results during a colloquium

Duration 1
ECTS 30.0
Credits and grades

preparation of the scientific report (AA, Master's Thesis) and presentation/defense (KO, Presentation)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Dirk Drechsler

Recommended semester 3
Frequency Every 2nd sem.