Enterprise and IT Security (ENITS)

Do you aspire to a leadership position in the field of IT security? The advanced, comprehensive Master’s degree program Enterprise and IT Security (ENITS) of Offenburg University will open the doors for you and help you to achieve your goal.

Modul manual


Master's Thesis


All ENITS courses of the first and second semesters, especially completed project work (ENITS-06)

Teaching methods Thesis/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

- detailed work on a given topic related to IT security
- theoretical elaboration and (detailed) practical preparation
- written documentation (approx. 80 pages)
- cover the essential aspects of the Master’s thesis
- written in accordance with scientific criteria
- presentation and defense of results during a colloquium

Duration 1
ECTS 30.0
Credits and grades

preparation of the scientific report (AA, Master's Thesis) and presentation/defense (KO, Presentation)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Dirk Drechsler

Recommended semester 3
Frequency Every 2nd sem.