International Konferenz "Environmental Best Practices 5" an der Hochschule Offenburg

From September 20 to 22, Offenburg University hosted the international symposium „Environmental Best Practices“ for the second time. The symposium embodies the close cooperation of Offenburg University and the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn, where this conference was created in 2006.

The symposium was a great possibility for Offenburg University to present its research activities in the area of biotechnology, environmental engineering and energy engineering.

24 speeches and 12 posters showed the wide variety of research topics of the two universities and some cooperating research groups. At Offenburg, the focus of the presentations was on the different research projects of „Industry on Campus (IoC)“, a project in which  the companies Badenova AG, Steag New Energies, Industrielle Werke Basel, RMA and Moeschle Behälterbau cooperate with Offenburg University in different research projects in the area of renewable energy.

The topics at the conference were:

  • Waste and wastewater processes and treatment
  • Environmental impact
  • Environmental risk assessment
  • Biorefinery - research progress and opportunities
  • Thermal, chemical and biochemical biomass conversion
  • Biogas technology
  • “Power to Gas”
  • Bioeffective-Linked Analysis in Planar Chromatography

Selected presentations of the symposium will be published in the next edition of the journal „Environmental Biotechnology“, which is also a product of the cooperation of Offenburg University with the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn. Since 2006 both universities also cooperate in the international master’s degree program Process Engineering (MPE).