M. Sc. Renewable Energy and Data Engineering

Studieren Sie konventionelle und erneuerbare Energiesysteme, intelligente Stromnetze und die zugrundeliegenden Algorithmen sowie Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen.



Operations Research in Energy Economics

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

Qualitative and quantitative methods of management science / Operational Research are gaining ever higher importance in the energy sector e. g. optimization problems play a prominent role in energy economics, considering for example development of power plant fleets, development of grids and the usage of power plants. Students learn about the background of forecasting methods and optimization as mathematical tool for analysing power systems. They are able to formulate mathematical models and to apply optimization methods, e. g. linear programming, and forecasting methods, e. g. time series analysis.

Within module PDE-02 the students also apply the knowledge and competencies in economics and business strategy gained so far. Within required elective courses the students deepen and expand their capabilities when implementing a revised business strategy and experience the impact on an enterprise as a whole or when analysing and further developing energy management solutions in industry.


Duration 1
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60
Individual / Group work: 60
Workload 120
ECTS 4.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

written exam 90 minutes

Responsible person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Grit Köhler

Frequency Annually (ss)

Master PDE
