Credits and grades
Organizational Behavior and Managing People in Projects
The final mark for this module will be determined based on the scores earned by two assignments with a weight of 50% each.
Assignment 1 –GROUP PRESENTATION– Each group presentation will earn a ”base” grade. In most cases, every group member will receive the same grade; however, each group member must also evaluate their fellow group members. Each presentation should take about 20 minutes. Group members should plan to share presentation responsibilities and field questions equally. Students are expected to give a quality presentation. The focus should be on the clarity, organization, preparedness and smoothness of oral presentation.
Assignment 2: –INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT– The aim of this assignment is to establish an argumentative correlation between Organizational Behaviour and one specific topic —to be selected from the list provided on the website. Students are asked to write a reflection paper to show evidence of the correlation, which may consist of concrete facts, and then, support them using references from theory, research and practice. It is an exercise of identification and explanation of conceptual material. The point is to demonstrate your ownership of the concept or idea.
Psychological Aspects of Consulting
The course will be finalized with group work and case studies. The students will be giving parts of the lecture designing the didactic processes and group trainings in order to train trainings.. The course grade will be based on the project works.
The module grade is factored in 7/90 in the final grade.
Psychological Aspects of Consulting
Type |
Seminar |
Nr. |
IBC-10-02 |
Hours per week |
2.0 |
Content |
The course is designed to provide an introduction of the social and psychological impacts in consulting interactions. It will give a pragmatic understanding of the psychological importance in consulting processes, that go far beyond handling technical questions or problems. Consultants have to be aware of the fact that one of the most important success-factors in consulting are due to a constructive dynamic of social interactions and psychological effects.
The general understanding of human behavior in change developments and intended change processes gives a closer insight of the psychological success factors or traps in the consulting work. Major aspects of communication, cognitive, emotional and pragmatic learning behavior as well as the understanding of roles and leadership help to give orientation in the interaction between client and consultant.
Various models of transaction analysis, personality types, group dynamics and conflict developments will be applied to rationalize typical situations as well as crises in consulting work and how to deal with them.
Finally, questions of team building and individual psychological challenges of consulting professionals are discussed and experimented with the students. All the models will be put in a Framework of Developmental Psychology from Clare Graves to rationalize on multiple organizational or individual life conditions, value patterns and reaction to changes in circumstances.
Learning Objectives
The lecture makes use of learning concepts and applies the need of teaching in consulting roles by giving parts of the training in the active teaching of the students.
The aim of the course is to introduce students to basic psychological and sociological concepts. At the end of the course students will be rationalize a variety of typical life conditions, circumstances and developments of corporate / organizational nature; therefore students will build up an expertise to
- evaluate value systems and their impact in social contexts
- Understand the psychological implications of decision making processes and problem solving
- Differentiate personality models and understand how to apply them
- Work with clear awareness in a change process
Literature |
Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce M. Patton: Das Harvard-Konzept , Frankfurt a.M. 2009.
Don Beck, Christopher Cowan: Spiral Dynamics, Bielefeld 2008.
Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence, NewYork 1997.
Thomas A. Harris: I'm OK-You're OK (Transactional analy-sis), Reinbek 2009.
Spencer Johnson: Who moved my Cheese. An amazing Way to Deal with Change in your Work and in your Life, London 2002.
Bernard Mayer: The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide, San Francisco 2000.
Richard Rohr / Andreas Ebert: Enneagram : A Christian Perspective, NewYork 2002.
Frank Schneegans: Seven Steps to control changes, Düs-seldorf 2001.
Frederic Vester: Thinking, Learning, Forgetting, München 2007. |
Managing People in Projects
Type |
Seminar |
Nr. |
IBC-10-03 |
Hours per week |
2.0 |
Content |
This module will examine the main concepts of Managing People in Projects in the context of the multinational business environments and the strategies of organizations for the management of people. It aims to provide students with the knowledge and concepts necessary for reflecting and solving problems when managing people from different nationalities, by describing, analyzing and discussing real examples that illustrate such concepts. The module will also address the importance on global experiences (e.g., student experiences working and living in international environments or abroad) for the development of future managers and address employability issues, relating to how students can best sell their global learning experiences.
An overview of the soft skills required for managers working in culturally diverse environments focusing on the need for intercultural skills in the future. The module will highlight such key intercultural skills required by organizations today, and will focus on how students can sell and articulate the added value of their intercultural skills and global experiences to future employers. The course outlines the solutions, skills and the theoretical knowledge required to bridge the cultural gaps for the 21st century manager from a global HRM perspective.
Learning Objectives
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- Develop an international perspective, an imperative in the 21st century business world. Special focus on negotiations and working in teams.
- Recognize and be aware of the cultural differences including values, beliefs, attitudes and norms that lead to different behaviours in the business world.
- Understand the importance of being able to participate and lead multicultural teams in an efficient and effective manner by maximizing success, limiting frustrations and creating competitive advantage.
- Identify which international management skills are most required for managers to be effective working in culturally diverse environments.
- Compare strategies applied in a range of organizations to the international management of people in projects.
- Understand the issues involved in managing international human resources of organizations in strategic ways.
- Identify the main competences and behaviours in different cultural and institutional contexts.
- Evaluate ideas of best practice, business ethics and good employer in international management of people.
Literature |
Suggested required course textbook:
Briscoe, D. R., Schuler R. S., Claus, L. (2009). International Human Resource Management. Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises. 3rd Edition. New York & London: Routledge Global Human Resource Management Series.
Additional recommended textbooks:
Bamber, G. J., Lansbury, R. D., Wailes, N. and Wright, C. F. (Eds.). (2016). International and Comparative Employment Relations: National Regulation, Global Changes. 6th Edition. London: SAGE Publications.
Edwards, T. and Rees, C. (2010). International Human Resource Management: Globalization, National Systems and Multinational Companies. 2nd Edition. Canada: Prentice Hall.
Harzing, A. W. and Pinnington, A. (2014). International Human Resource Management. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Hollinshead, G. (2009). International and Comparative Human Resource Management. UK Edition. London: McGraw Hill Europe.
Organisational Behaviour
Type |
Seminar |
Nr. |
IBC-10-01 |
Hours per week |
2.0 |
Content |
This course serves as an introduction to the field of organizational behaviour (OB) and it is designed to understand the underlying complexity of human behaviour within organizations as a factor of competitiveness, efficiency, and readiness for change. With the support of an integrative model of human behaviour, the student will be able to identify, interpret and evaluate the elements that determine the behaviour of individuals in organizations and, thus, know how to align them with the vision of the company throughout the different operational levels.
The module covers a range of other theories and practical functions dealing with aspects such as emotions at work, attitudes, perceptions, personality traits, motivation, decision-making, team dynamics, negotiation, conflict management, leadership, and organizational culture. Moreover, this course will present a vision on issues related to personal development, strategy diagnosis, performance, productivity, staff turnover, organizational processes, well-being, organizational health, interaction between workers, etc. In short, it is about understanding the study of the main human processes and behaviours related to the performance of people in the workplace.
Learning Objectives
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- Understand the practical foundations of the nature and dynamics of human behaviour and its impact on the development of companies.
- Know how the science of human behavior is used to select, develop, and manage employees.
- Acquire a set of tools of technical and professional judgments to diagnose, design and restructure companies and institutions based on human behaviour in the context of globalization.
- Critically evaluate and compare theoretical and empirical work of key writers, both classical and contemporary, on different aspects of international organizational behaviour as a distinctive field of study and practice.
- Understand the relationship between the strategic orientations of multinational corporations and organizational policies and practices.
- Have an understanding of the comparative and diverse contexts impacting organizational behaviour and its related practices in various regions.
- Be aware of cultural diversity and its impact on organizational behaviour within international organizations.
- Acquire basic organizational competences regarding management functions.
Literature |
Suggested required course textbook:
Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J. G., Osborn, R. N. and Uhl-Bien, M. (2010). Organizational Behavior. 11th Edition. United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Additional recommended textbooks:
Adler, N. (2008). International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. 5th Ed. United States: Thomson South-Western.
Barling, J. and Cooper, C. L. Eds. (2008). The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Behavior: Volume One: Micro Approaches. 1st Edition. London: SAGE Publications.
Jex, S. M (2002). Organizational Psychology. A Scientist-Practitioner Approach. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
McKenna, E. (2006). Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour: A Student’s Handbook. 4th Edition. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
Payne, R. L. and Cooper, C. L. (2001). (Eds.). Emotions at Work. Theory, research and applications in management. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Reiche, B. S., Stahl, G. K., Mendenhall, M. E. and Oddou, G. R. (2016). Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management. 6th Ed. United Kingdom: Routledge. |