International Business Consulting

Das MBA-Programm IBC bereitet auf eine internationale Karriere in der externen oder internen Beratung, im Controlling oder im Projektmanagement in allen Branche



Integrated Case Study


Basic knowledge in Business Administration and previous lectures like Corporate Finance I and II, Cost Management, Marketing, Leadership Management.


Teaching methods Seminar
Learning target / Competences

Expertise in drawing up a business plan; in addition to the subject-specific knowledge students extend expertise in

-       working efficiently in international teams

-       dealing with complex and interdisciplinary topics

-       ensuring an efficient project management (students are in charge of to meet time commitments)

Duration 1
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 45 h
Individual / Group work: 75 h
Workload 120 h
ECTS 4.0
Credits and grades

Part 1: project thesis and presentation (Group examination is possible)

Part 2: written examination (60 min)

Part 1 is factored in 70 %, part 2 in 30 %.

The module grade is factored in 5/90 in the final grade.

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer, Prof. Dr. Andreas Friedel, Prof. Dr. Larissa Konstanze Greschuchna, Prof. Dr. Steffen Rietz

Maximum number of participants 20
Recommended semester 2
Frequency Annually (ss)

The content of the module can also be used for the University's own part-time program "General Management" as well as for general business or industrial engineering master programs of other universities (in Germany and abroad).



Integrated Case Study

Type Seminar
Nr. IBC-09-01
Hours per week 4.0

The Integrated Case Study (ICS) course provides assessment of professional capabilities and competence of IBC students. Students are required to demonstrate their capabilities to integrate various elements of business knowledge.

Concrete: For a defined product students have to draw up a business plan which is based on so-called sub plans which reflect functional areas such as Materials Management, Production, Markeitng/Sales and … .

Students` Task/Requirements

-       Students develop for the functional area they are in charge of a plan which has to be presented to the class (including Q & A)

-       Students must be ready to revise their plans if the requirement to revise becomes apparent in the time following presentations (of the other teams)

-       In case of revising plannings students always have in mind the timeline

-       All developed (sub) plans are the basis for drawing up the business plan (also covered by a team); the business plan is that instrument presented to stimulate inverstors providing financial means!



Literature made available in corresponding topics

Julia M. Jonas: Stakeholder Integration in Service Innovation, 2nd Edition 2018

Tony Kealy: Evaluating Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Projects: An Ethnographic Approach, 1st Edition 2020

José Manuel Saiz-Álvarez et al: Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality: Surviving and Flourishing in the Long Term, 1st Edition 2020

