International Business Consulting

Das MBA-Programm IBC bereitet auf eine internationale Karriere in der externen oder internen Beratung, im Controlling oder im Projektmanagement in allen Branche



Business Information Systems


Basics in Business Administration, practical computer skills.

Teaching methods Seminar
Learning target / Competences

Students will understand the processual and practical implications associated with the planning and implementation of Business Information Systems in an enterprise environment. Students will be equipped to evaluate the functional and technical requirements of an organization, and match these requirements to a technical solution that will add value to the organization. Students will learn how to prepare an investment and resource planning, along with the selecting the proper implementation technique for the selected technology.

Students will understand the value of Business Analytics and data related techniques. They know the application areas and limitations of machine learning techniques in business. Students can make practical use of business intelligence and data science tools in their professional life as a consultant or business analyst.

Duration 1
Hours per week 5.0
Classes 56,25 h
Individual / Group work: 93,75
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Credits and grades

Oral examination.

The module grade is factored in 6/90 in the final grade.

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Tobias Hagen

Maximum number of participants 20
Recommended semester 2
Frequency Annually (ss)

The content of the module can also be used for the University's own part-time program "General Management".


Business Information Systems II

Type Seminar
Nr. IBC-08-02
Hours per week 3.0

The course covers theory and practice of business analytics. It addresses the question of how to use data to support decision-making and how to generate value for companies from data. The course is divided into two parts:

1 Business Intelligence

Introduction to Data Warehouse Systems and Business Intelligence, Architecture and components of DW-systems, data modelling in DW-systems, Online Analytical processing, dashboards.

2 Data Science

Explorative Data Analysis, methods of supervised and unsupervised learning (regression, classification, clustering, association rule mining). Typical application areas of these methods in business.

Learning Objectives

Students will understand the value of Business Analytics and data related techniques. They know the application areas and limitations of machine learning techniques in business. Students can make practical use of business intelligence and data science tools in their professional life as a consultant or business analyst.


Provost, F., Fawcett, T.: Data Science for Business, O’Reilly 2013

Further recommended readings are given in the lecture.

Instructor provides case study material

Business Information Systems I

Type Seminar
Nr. IBC-08-01
Hours per week 2.0

The course addresses various operational and strategic aspects from the life cycle of modern Business Information Systems from the perspective of decision makers and domain experts.

-       Business Information Systems in the context of digital transformation

-       Types of Business Information Systems and use cases

-       Requirements engineering (technical and process engineering)

-       System selection and system design

-       Cloud versus on premise

-       Make or buy decision

-       Cyber security aspects of system planning and implementation

-       Systems of record versus systems of innovation

-       Program and project planning

-       Financial and business case planning (CAPEX and OPEX)

-       Software development practices (Waterfall, Agile, etc…)

Case studies are used to explore and clarify these aspects.


-       Open resources, which are provided in the course and course material

-       Further recommended readings are given in the lecture.

-       Instructor provides case study material

