Enterprise and IT Security

Der fortgeschrittene Master-Studiengang Enterprise and IT Security (ENITS) öffnet Türen und hilft auf dem Weg zur Führungsposition im Bereich IT-Sicherheit.



Security in Ubiquitous Computing

  • Computer Networks (Computernetze)
  • Network Security (Netzwerksicherheit)
  • Cryptography
  • Application Security (Applikationssicherheit)
Teaching methods Lecture/Lab
Learning target / Competences

In this lecture series we will look at different aspects of „ubiquitous“ security, i.e.
security concerns and solutions in our daily life as consumers, application developers or software
architects interacting with distributed systems and across different layers in a system stack.
We will start with selected topics in the lifecycle of a mobile or IoT device, covering readily available
security technologies as well as emerging R&D. We will realize that an important aspect is to identify
what can be assumed to be available as a trusted computing base, i.e. the set of all hardware,
firmware, and/or software components that are critical to the security of a computing device. For that
reason, we will investigate trusted execution environments (TEEs) trusted platform modules (TPM)
as well as the currently emerging software guard extensions (SGX).
We will address different security concerns in cloud computing and cloud infrastructures, for example
looking at identity management in distributed systems as well as selected emerging topics when
interacting with encrypted cloud databases.
As part of this lecture series we will also touch on blockchain technology as well as security in
industrial control systems.

Duration 1
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60
Individual / Group work: 120
Workload 180
ECTS 6.0
Credits and grades

written exam, 90 min. (K90, Security in Ubiquitous Computing) and report (BE, Lab Security in Ubiquitous Computing)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Dirk Westhoff

Recommended semester 2
Frequency Every 2nd sem.

Security in Ubiquitous Computing

Type Lecture
Nr. M1125
Hours per week 2.0

Security in Ubiquitous Computing Labor

Type Lab
Nr. M1126
Hours per week 2.0