Spangenberg, Bernd
- 0781 205-394
- Raum: B255
- Badstraße 24, 77652 Offenburg
- montags 11:15 Uhr - 12:15 Uhr
Fakultät Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V), Professor*in im Ruhestand
Lehrveranstaltungen (aktuelles und vorhergehendes Semester)
Wahlpflichtfach Laborpraxis II, M+V283
Abfall- und Recyclingtechnik, M+V445
Biomechanik und Bionik, M+V6002
Recyclingtechnik und Bionik, M+V457
Bioinformatik mit Labor, M+V295
Umweltanalytik, M+V442
Bioanalytik-Labor, M+V484
Analytische Chemie, M+V418
Analytik-Labor, M+V480
Chemische Messtechnik, M+V418 VT
Chemische Messtechnik-Labor, M+V480 VT
Bioanalytik, M+V456
Umweltanalytik Labor, M+V481
Angewandte Bioinformatik Labor, M+V455
Akademischer Werdegang
Bernd Spangenberg
Am Rittweg 10
D-77654 Offenburg
University of Applied Sciences Offenburg
Badstrasse 24
D-77654 Offenburg
Fax: ..49 0781 205 242
Phone: ..49 0781 205 394
University of Marburg, Germany, Dept. of Pharmacy
Research Assistant, Student Assistant Analytical Chemistry 1983-1987
Ph. D. (Dr.) Thesis in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of Marburg, Germany, Dept. of Chemistry
Diploma in Chemistry 1976-1982
Born 1955 in Remscheid (Germany), German citizen
Married to Dr. Marion Weyandt (Pharmacist), daughter Hanna
Editor-in-Chief of JPC (Journal of Planar Chromatography) 2007-2022
University of Applied Sciences Offenburg
Member Board of Governors University Offenburg(Mitglied des Hochschulrates) 2012-2021
Program Manager Process Engineering and Environmental Technologies
(Studiengangsleiter Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik) 2002-2010
Professor for Environmental Analysis and Recycling Technologies 1991-2021
Ebulon GmbH (Schwitzerland)
Head of Analytical Research & Development 1990
Scheurich Pharmwerk Appenweier (Germany)
Head of the Analytical Unit 1988-1990
Bücher und Buchbeiträge
Books and book chapters
B. Spangenberg
Quantitative Dünnschichtchromatographie
Springer 2014
B. Spangenberg, C. Pool, Ch. Weins
Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography. A practical survey.
Springer 2011
B. Spangenberg,
Chapter 46: Modern thin-layer chromatography in food analysis, in Yia H. Hui, Handbook of food science, technology and engineering, Band 1 2006
B. Spangenberg,
„Location of Separated Zones by Use of Visualization Reagents, UV Absorbance on Layers Containing a Fluorescent Indicator, and Densitometry“ in
T. Kowalska and J. Sherma „Preparative Layer Chromatography“, Taylor and Francis New York 2006
B. Spangenberg
“Derivatisation, detection (quantification) and identification of compounds on-line”, in “Thin-Layer Chromatography in Phytochemistry”, Editors: Joseph Sherma, Monika Waksmundzka-Hajnos, Taylor & Francis New York 2007
B. Spangenberg
Chapter 7: Quantitative detection of drugs by densitometry and video-scanning, in “Thin-Layer Chromatography in Drug Analysis”, Editors: Joseph Sherma, Lukasz Komsta, Monika Waksmundzka-Hajnos, Taylor & Francis New York 2013
B. Spangenberg
Chapter 7: Theory and Instrumentation for in situ Detection, in “Instrumental Thin-Layer Chromatography”, Editor: Colin PooleElsevier Amsterdam 2014
Editor-in-Chief of JPC (Journal of Planar Chromatography) since 2007
Reviewed Papers
List of Peer-reviewed Publications
/1/ Elschenbroich, B. Spangenberg, H. Mellinghoff "1H-NMR-Koordinationsverschiebung und Ringstromschwächung bei Sandwichkomplexen, studiert am Beispiel Bis(6-[10]para-cyclophan)chrom(0). Chem. Ber. 117 (1984), 3165-3168
/2/ Ch. Elschenbroich, J. Koch, J. Schneider B. Spangenberg, P. Schiess Strained anellated arenes as -ligands: Synthesis and magnetic resonance properties of Bis(cyclobuta-6-benzene)chromium 0,+1 and Bis[1,2:4,5]-Dicyclobuta-6-benzene)chromium 0,+1. J. Organometall. Chem. 317 (1986), 41-54
/3/ W. Hanefeld und B. Spangenberg "Umsetzung eines Iod-Ylids mit Methansulfonsäurechlorid." Arch. Pharm. 320 (1987), 666-668
/4/ R. Allmann, W. Hanefeld, M. Krestel, B. Spangenberg "Sulfene lassen sich umpolen." Angew. Chem. 99 (1987), 1175 "A Sulfene Umpolung." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 26 (1987) 1133
/5/ W. Hanefeld und B. Spangenberg "Untersuchungen an β-Sultonen: Reaktionen in-situ-erzeugter Sulfene mit vicinalen Tricarbonylverbindungen." Arch. Pharm. 321 (1988), 85-88
/6/ W. Hanefeld, B. Spangenberg "Reaktionen von Triethylammonium-1-(2-chlor-1,3-dioxo-2-indanyl)-chlormethansulfonat und -dichlormethansulfonat mit OH-, SH- und NH-Nucleophilen." Arch. Pharm. 321 (1988) 253-257
/7/ W. Hanefeld, B. Spangenberg "Ein inverser Aminangriff an Sulfen unter Bildung neuer Ammonio-sulfobetaine." Chem. Ber. 121 (1988) 1147-1150
/8/ G. Blania, B. Spangenberg "Allicin-Freisetzung aus getrocknetem Knoblauch (Allium sativum): Eine einfach durchzuführende HPTLC-Simultanbestimmung von Allicin und Ajoen in Knoblauchpulver und daraus hergestellten Fertigarzneimitteln." Planta Medica 57 (1991) 371-375
/9/ C. Kraft, B. Spangenberg "Eine einfache Bestimmung von Mineralölkohlenwasserstoffen." Wasser Luft Boden 9 (1996), 33-34
/10/ B. Spangenberg "A new proposal for a parameter-free integration software." Fres. Z. Anal. Chem. 360 (1998), 148-151
/11/ B. Spangenberg, P. Hupfer, M. Jehle, J. Kress "Dezentrale Kompostierung- sinnvolle Variante der Bioabfallverwertung?" Müll und Abfall (1998), 70-74
/12/ B. Spangenberg "Was hat Recycling mit Entropie zu tun?" Müll und Abfall (2000), 502-504
/13/ B. Spangenberg, K.-F. Klein "Fibre optical scanning with high resolution in thin-layer chromatography." Journal of Chromatography A, 898 (2000) 265-269
/14/ B. Spangenberg, B. Ahrens, K.-F. Klein "TLC-Analysis in Forensic Sciences Using a Diode-Array Detector." Chromatographia 53 (2001) S438-S441
/15/ B. Spangenberg, K.-F. Klein "New evaluation algorithm in Diode-Array Thin-Layer Chromatography." Journal Planar Chromatography 14 (2001) 260-265
/16/ J. Stroka, B. Spangenberg, E. Anklam "New Approaches in TLC Densitometry." J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 25 (2002), 1497-1513
/17/ B. Spangenberg, P. Post, S. Ebel "Fibre Optical Scanning in TLC by Use of a Diode-Array Detector - Linearization Models for Absorption and Fluorescence Evaluations." Journal of Planar Chromatography 15 (2002) 88-93
/18/ B. Ahrens, D. Blankenhorn, B. Spangenberg "Advanced fibre optical scanning in thin-layer chromatography for drug identification." Journal of Chromatography B 772 (2002) 11-18
/19/ B. Spangenberg, K.-F. Klein, J. Mannhardt "Proposals for Error-Reduction in Planar Chromatography." Journal of Planar Chromatography 15 (2002) 207-212
/20/ B. Spangenberg, K. Lorenz and St. Nasterlack "Fluorescence Enhancement of Pyrene Measured by Thin-Layer Chromatography with Diode-Array Detection." Journal of Planar Chromatography 16 (2003) 328-334
/21/ J. Stroka, I. Arranz, J. Mac Court, B. Spangenberg, "A simple and reliable HPTLC method for the quantification of the intense sweetner Sucralose®." J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 26 (2003) 2729 - 2739
/22/ B. Spangenberg, M. Weyandt-Spangenberg, "Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography using absorption and fluorescence Spectroscopy." Journal of Planar Chromatography 17 (2004) 164-168
/23/ J. Stroka, L. Dasko, B. Spangenberg, E. Anklam "Determination of the mycotoxin sterigmatocystin, by thin-layer chromatography and reagent-free derivatisation." J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 27 (2004) 2101 - 2111
/24/ B. Spangenberg, A. Seigel, J. Kempf and W. Weinmann, "Forensic Drug Analysis by Means of Diode-Array HPTLC using RF and UV Library Search. " Journal of Planar Chromatography 18 (2005) 336-343
/25/ B. Spangenberg "Does the Kubelka-Munk Theory Describe TLC Evaluations Correctly? " Journal of Planar Chromatography 19 (2006) 332-341
/26/ B. Spangenberg, R. E. Kaiser, „The water content of stationary phases.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 20 (2007), 307 – 308
/27/ M. Bleichert, H. – S. Eckhardt, K.-F. Klein, B. Spangenberg „A simple and reliable method for quantification of glucosamine in nutritional supplements.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 21 (2008), 55 – 59
/28/ E. Jaryj, K. Lorenz, B. Spangenberg "A simple method for the quantification of urethane in spirits." J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 31 (2008), 1-9
/29/ Melanie Broszat, Regina Brämer, and Bernd Spangenberg, „A new method for quantification of Melamine in milk by absorption Diode-Array Thin-Layer Chromatography.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 21 (2008), 469 - 470
/30/ Meltem Göcer, Kathrin Hoferer, Jürgen Zipfel and Bernd Spangenberg, „A new method for the quantification of Paraquat, Diquat, Difenzoquat, Mepiquat and Chloromequat in water by Thin-Layer Chromatography.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 22 (2009), 59 - 63
/31/ Katharina Hiegel and Bernd Spangenberg „A new method for the quantification of Dequalinium-Cations in pharmaceutical samples by absorption and fluorescence diode array Thin-Layer Chromatography.” Journal of Chromatography A 1216 (2009), 5052 - 5056
/32/ Jörg Stroka, Ivanka Doncheva, and Bernd Spangenberg „Determination of sucralose in soft drinks by HPTLC: Interlaboratory study.” J. AOAC 92 (2009), 1153 - 1159
/33/ Melanie Broszat, Helena Ernst, Bernd Spangenberg "A simple method for quantifying triazine herbicides using thin-layer chromatography and a CCD camera." J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 33 (2010), 948 - 956
/34/ Melanie Broszat, Christoph Welle, Monika Wojnowski, Helena Ernst, Bernd Spangenberg „A versatile method for quantification of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in dried figs.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 23 (2010), 193 -197
/35/ Andrea Seigel, Alexandra Schröck, Rebekka Hauser, Bernd Spangenberg "Sensitive quantification of diclofenac and ibuprofen using thin-layer chromatography coupled with a vibrio fisheri bioluminescence assay." J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 34 (2011), 817 - 828
/36/ Bernd Spangenberg „ A new way of using chemiluminescence in thin-layer chromatography.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 24 (2011), 357 – 359
/37/ Melanie Broszat, Helena Ernst, Bernd Spangenberg „Quantification of triazine herbicides using chloroplasts in conjuction with thin-layer chromotagoraphy.” Environmental Biotechnology 7 (2011), 47 – 52
/38/ Barbara Milz, Idzaid Bin Idros, Bernd Spangenberg "Limits of quantification of some neonicotinoid insecticides measured by thin-layer chromatography." J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 35 (2012), 1404 - 1414
/39/ Bernd Spangenberg "Quantifying Quaternary Herbicides by Standard Addition Method.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 25 (2012), 262 – 268
/40/ Barbara Milz, Karl-Friedrich Klein, and Bernd Spangenberg "Quantitative Two-Dimensional Thin-Layer Chromatography Using a Diode-Array Detector.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 25 (2012), 493 – 497
/41/ Andrea Seigel, Barbara Milz, and Bernd Spangenberg "Quantification of Parabens by Diode-Array Thin-Layer Chromatography Coupled with a Vibrio fischeri Bioluminescence Assay.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 26 (2013), 119 – 124
/42/ Barbara Milz, Bernd Spangenberg ”A Validated Quantification of Benzocaine in Lozenges Using TLC and a Flatbed Scanner.” Chromatographia 76, (2013), 1307-1313, DOI 10.1007/s10337-013-2436-4
/43/ Barbara Milz, Bernd Spangenberg „2D-Thin-Layer Chroamtography (2D-TLC) Flash Test of 17α-Ethinylestradiol and related Steroids detected by Fluorescence Densitometry.” J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 36 (2013), 2378 – 2386
/44/ Barbara Milz and Bernd Spangenberg ”Grafted 2D-Thin Layer Chromatography (2D-TLC) of 17α-Ethinylestradiol detected by Bio-directed Analysis.” J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 37 (2014), 2872 –2881
45/ Marlies Bergheim, Richard Gminski, Bernd Spangenberg, Malgorzata Dabiak, Alexander Bürkle, Volker Mersch-Sundermann, Klaus Kümmerer and Reto Gieré „Recalcitrant pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment: a comparative screening study of their occurrence, formation of phototransformation products and their in vitro toxicity.” Environmental Chemistry 11(4) 431 - 444 (2014)
/46/ Bernd Spangenberg ”Two-Dimensional Thin Layer Chromatography of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Measured by Absorption, Fluorescence, and Chemiluminescence.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 28 (2015), 139 – 143
/47/ Andreas Lotz, Barbara Milz and Bernd Spangenberg ”A new an sensitive TLC method to measure trans-Resveratrol in red Wine.” J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 38 (2015), 1104 - 1108
/48/ Marlies Bergheim, Richard Gminski, Bernd Spangenberg, Malgorzata Debiak, Alexander Bürkle, Volker Mersch-Sundermann, et al. ”Antibiotics and sweeteners in the aquatic environment: biodegradability, formation of phototransformation products, and in vitro toxicity.” Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 22, (2015), 18017-30. doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-4831-x.
/49/ Bernd Spangenberg, Sidon Futterknecht, Wolfgang Hemmer ”An Extraction Method for 17α-Ethinylestradiol from Water using a new kind of monolithic Stir-bar.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 28 (2015), 472 – 475
/50/ Bernd Spangenberg, Marion Weyandt-Spangenberg ”A Validated Quantification of Methadone in Liquids Using Thin-Layer Chromatography and a Flatbed Scanner.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 29 (2016), 59 – 65
/51/ Andreas Lotz and Bernd Spangenberg ”A new and sensitive TLC Method to measure trans-Resveratrol in Physalis Peruviana.” J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 39 (2016), 308 - 311
/52/ Désirée Humpert, Barbara Milz, Andreas Lotz, and Bernd Spangenberg ”Thin-Layer Chromatographic Separation and In Situ Chemiluminescence of Phenolic Compounds. ” Journal of Planar Chromatography 29 (2016), 318 – 322
/53/ Yvonne Anna Witos, Barbara Milz, and Bernd Spangenberg ”Two-Dimensional Thin-Layer Chromatography of 17α-Ethinylestradiol on RP-18 W Plate, Detected by Effect-Directed Analysis Using the YES Test.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 30 (2017), 136 – 141
/54/ Andreas Lotz, Peter Habermehl and Bernd Spangenberg ”A new and highly sensitive TLC method to measure hypericin using chemiluminescence.” J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 40 (2017), 287 - 291
/55/ Yvonne Anna Minar and Bernd Spangenberg ”Two-Dimensional Thin-Layer Chromatography of Phytoestrogens on RP-18 W Plate, Detected by Effect-Directed Analysis Using the Yeast Estrogen Screen Test.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 30 (2017), 423 – 428
/56/ Yvonne Anna Minar, Barbara Milz, and Bernd Spangenberg, ”Is Equol an Ecologically Relevant Endocrine Disruptor? Equol Determination in Cattle Manure by Effect-Directed Analysis Using the pYES Test.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 31 (2018), 72 – 78
/57/ Barbara Milz, PhilipSchnurr, JannisGrafmüller, Kevin Oehler, and Bernd Spangenberg, A Validated Quantification of Sudan Red Dyes in Spicery using TLC and a 16-bit Flatbed Scanner. Journal of AOAC International 101, (2018), 1397-1401
/58/ Barbara Milz, Yvonne Anna Minar and Bernd Spangenberg, Quantification of astaxanthin in salmons by chemiluminescence and absorption after TLC separation. J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 41 (2018), 358 - 361
/59/ Vladimier Peters and Bernd Spangenberg, Equol determination in cattle manure by HPTLC-DART-TOF-MS, J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 42 (2019), 311 - 316
/60/ Fabian Eichner and Bernd Spangenberg, Optimized Determination of Caffeine, Equol, and Artemisinin by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography–Direct Analysis in Real Time–Time of Flight–Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Planar Chromatography 32, (2019), 197 - 203
/61/ Corinna Henninger, Sabrina Doll, and Bernd Spangenberg, An improved Patulin determination in apple juice using HPTLC in combination with a DAD-scanner, a 16-bit camera and a 48-bit flatbed scanner, J. liq. chrom. & rel. technol. 44 (2021), 343-349, DOI:10.1080/10826076.2021.1930556
/62/ Barbara Anders, Sabrina Doll, and Bernd Spangenberg, A validated quantification of triclosan in toothpaste using high-performance thin-layer chromatography and a 48-bit fatbed scanner. Journal of Planar Chromatography 34, (2021), 203-209, DOI:10.1007/s00764-021-00108-6
/63/ Bernd Spangenberg, New solvent systems to separate some estrogenically active compounds by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). Journal of Planar Chromatography 35, (2022), 89-96
/64/ Bernd Spangenberg, A. Seigel, R. Brämer, Screening of orange peel waste on valuable compounds by gradient multiple development diode-array high-performance thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Planar Chromatography 35, (2022), 313-330
Unreviewed Papers
/1/ B. Spangenberg, W. Lieber, K.-F. Klein "Neue Lichtleiter zur Mehrwellenlängendetektion in der Dünnschichtchromatographie" InCom Tagungsband (1998), 180
/2/ M. Hübner, M. Meyer, K.-F. Klein, G. Hillrichs, M. Rüttling, M. Veidemanis, B. Spangenberg, J. Clarkin, G. Nelson "Fibre-Optic Systems in the UV-Region" SPIE-Proc., Vol. 3911 (BIOS`00), 303 – 312
/3/ K.-F. Klein, B. Spangenberg, H. Meyer, J. Mannhardt, J. Macomber "New analytical applications with UV-fiber bundles" SPIE-Proc., Vol. 4253 (BIOS`01), 168-175
/4/ B. Spangenberg, B. Ahrens, K.-F. Klein "Diode-Array HPTLC in Forensic Sciences" Beiträge zum XII Symposium der GTFCH in Mosbach 2001, 356-361
/5/ B. Spangenberg, K.-F.Klein: „New evaluation algorithm in diode-array thin-layer chromatography”. Proc. Of Planar Chromatography 2001 – New milestones in TLC, pp. 15-21 (Lillafüred/Ungarn, June 01)
/6/ K. Klein, B. Spangenberg, B. Ahrens: „Fluorescence in fiber optic HPTLC method", SPIE-Proc. BIOS'02, Vol. 4616, 212 - 219
/7/ B. Spangenberg, K.-F. Klein, J. Mannhardt: "High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography using Fiber-Optics and Diode-Array Detection", SPIE-Proc., Vol. 4625 (BIOS`02), 144 - 151
/8/ B. Spangenberg,: „Proposals for Error Reduction in Planar Chromatography ”. Proc. Of Planar Chromatography 2002 – New milestones in TLC, pp. 93-105 (Budakalász/Ungarn, Juni 02)
/9/ B. Spangenberg, B. Ahrens: "Quantitative Bestimmung von Clozapin im Serum mittels Dioden-Array Dünnschichtchromatographie " Beiträge zum XIII Symposium der GTFCH in Mosbach 2003, 383-391 /10/ B. Spangenberg, K. Lorenz, S. Nasterlak:: „Fluorescence Lifetime Measuremnts of Pyrene on HPTLC Plates ”. Proc. of Planar Chromatography 2003 – New milestones in TLC, pp. 3-11 (Budakalász /Ungarn, June 03)
/11/ B. Spangenberg, M. Weyand-Spangenberg: „Fluorescence Evluation Using the Kubelka/Munk Formula”. Proc. of Planar Chromatography 2004 – New milestones in TLC, pp. 125-136 (Visegrád/Ungarn, May 04)
/12/ J. Stroka, I. Arranz, E. Anklam, B. Spangenberg: „Determination of Sucralose in Food – Comparison of TLC with other Separation Methods ”. Proc. of Planar Chromatography 2004 – New milestones in TLC, pp. 173-178 (Visegrád/Ungarn, May 04)
/13/ B. Spangenberg: „What can Diode-Array Planar Chromatography Perform?”, 4th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products – The application of chromatographic methods in phytochemical & biochemical analysis, pp. 51 (Lublin - Kazimierz Dolny, Polen, June 2001)
/14/ B. Spangenberg, A. Seigel, J. Kempf, W. Weinmann: „Forensic Drug Analysis by Means of Diode-Array HPTLC Using RF and UV Library Search ”. Proc. Of Planar Chromatography 2005 – New milestones in TLC, pp. 3-16 (Budakalász/Ungarn, May 05)
/15/ K.-F. Klein, H.S. Eckhardt, B. Spangenberg: ”Gas-sensing with hollow-core-waveguides”. NATO Summer School ”Advanced Study Institute on Optical Waveguide Sensing and Imaging” (Gatineau, Canada October 12-21, 2006)
/16/ H.S. Eckhardt, H. Dominick, K. T. V. Grattan, K. Graubner, K.-F. Klein, B. Spangenberg, and T. Sun: „Fiber-optic detection device for GC-UV", Proc. SPIE Vol. 6433, (2007), paper 6433-12 (San Jose, USA, Jan.07)
/17/ M. Bleichert, H. S. Eckhardt, K.-F- Klein, B. Spangenberg, G. Hillrichs, J. Mannhardt: ”New components for fiber-optic thin-layer chromatography including fluorescence”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6433, paper 6433-14 (San Jose, USA, Jan.07)
/18/ H. S. Eckhardt, K.-F. Klein, B. Spangenberg, T. Sun and K. T. V. Grattan ,„Fibre-optic UV systems for gas and vapour analysis”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 85 (2007), paper We12:20 (London, May 2007)
/19/ B. Spangenberg: „Fluorescence Spectroscopy for HPRLC-Separations in Phytochemical Analyssis”, 6th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products – The application of chromatographic methods in phytochemical & biochemical analysis, pp. 34 (Lublin, Polen, June 2008)
Invited Publications
/1/ B. Spangenberg, St. Stehle, Ch. Ströbele "Quantitative DC mit einem Handscanner: Co2+-Bestimmung." GIT 39 (1995), 461-464
/2/ B. Spangenberg, A. Seigel, R. Brämer, K.-F. Klein "Dünnschichtchromatographie mittels Dioden-Array Detektion." GIT Spezial Separation 1/2001, 37-39
/3/ B. Spangenberg, B. Ahrens, K.-F. Klein "Spektren zur Substanzidentifikation in der Dioden-Array Dünnschichtchromatographie." GIT Spezial Separation 1/2002, 22-24
/4/ B. Spangenberg und B. Ahrens "Substanzidentifikation in der Dioden-Array Dünnschichtchromatographie." GIT 6/2003, 658 - 660
/5/ Melanie Broszat, Regina Brämer, and Bernd Spangenberg, „Melamin in Milch.” GIT 2009, 241 – 243
/6/ Barbara Milz, Bernd Spangenberg, „ Schnelle Analyse vor Ort. Moderne Auswertung in der Dünnschichtchromatographie.” CITplus 7/2012, S. 43–44
/7/ B. Spangenberg, I. Bin Idros, B. Milz, "Neonicotinoid-Insektizide. Bestimmung mittels Dünnschicht-Chromatographie.” GIT 6/2013, 384 - 385
/8/ Barbara Milz, Bernd Spangenberg, „ Schnelle Analyse vor Ort. Moderne Auswertung in der Dünnschichtchromatographie.” GIT 8/2013, S. 484–485
/9/ B. Spangenberg, I. Bin Idros, B. Milz, "Neonicotinoid Insecticides. Determination with Thin Film Chromatography.” Separation 33(2013), 28 - 29
/10/ B. Spangenberg „Versuchen Sie es doch mit dem Studiengang Verfahrenstechnik!” Berufsstart Technik, Sommersemester 2014, 366 – 369, Klaus Resch Verlag
Vortraege Interviews
- „Was hat Recycling mit Entropie zu tun?“, Informationsreihe „Umwelt und Innovation“, IHK Südlicher Oberrhein, Lahr, Okt. 2000.
- „TLC-Analysis in forensic science by use of a diode-array TLC-Scanner”, 23rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Chester, UK, Okt. 2000.
- „Schnelle Wirkstoffanalyse in Blut und Urin mittels Dioden- Array Dünnschicht-chromatographie“, Uni Marburg, Aug. 2001.
- “New Evaluation Algorythm in Diode-Array Thin-Layer Chromatography”, International Society for Planar Chromatography 2001, Research Institut for Medical Plants, Budakalász, Ungarn, Juni 2001.
- „Diodenarraygekoppelte Dünnschichtchromatographie”, Universität Münster, 15.01.2002.
- „New Aspects in Diode- Array TLC” Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italien, 26. März 2002.
- „Proposals for Error Reduction in Planar Chromatography”, International Society for Planar Chromatographie, Ungarn, 13. Mai 2002.
- „Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements of Pyrene on HPTLC-Plates”. International Society for Planar Chromatography 2003, Budapest, Ungarn, 21.-23. Juni 2003.
- „What can Diode-Array Planar Chromatography Perform?”, 5th Balaton Symposium, Siófok, Ungarn, 3.-5.09.2003.
- „Diodearray-Detektion in der Dünnschichtchromatographie“, GDCh-Kurs, Isny, 4.-6.11.2003.
- „Diodearray-Detection in Thin-Layer Chromatography“, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), 01.11.2002 bis 31.01. 2003.
- „What can Diode-Array Planar Chromatography Perform?”, 4th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products, Lublin-Kazimierz Dolny, Polen, Juni 2004
- „Was leistet die Dioden-Array DC?“, Universität Tübingen, Pharmazeutische Fakultät, April 2004
- „Fluorescence Evaluation Using the Kubelka/Munk Formula”, Visegrad, Ungarn, Mai 2004
- „Forensic Drug Analysis by Means of Diode-Array HPTLC using RF und UV Library Search”, Siofok, Ungarn, 29 Mai 2005.
- „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Diodenarray Planarchromatographie“, Isny, 23. Sept. 2005.
- „Neue Ergebnisse in der Bioanalytik“, Biovalley Stammtisch Offenburg, 27. Okt. 2005.
- „A new way of fluorescence scanning in TLC“, International Symposium for Thin-Layer Chromatography, 10. October 2006, Berlin
- „A simple and reliable method to quantify glucosamine in various nutritional supplements” The 7th Balaton Symposium,in Siófok, Hungary, on September 5–7, 2007
- „A new method for the quantification of Quats by TLC”, International Symposium for Thin-Layer Chromatography, 11. – 13. June 2008, Helsinki, Finnland
- „Fluorescence spectroscopy for HPTLC separations in phyto-chemical analysis“, 6Th InternationalSymposium on Chromatography of Natural Products, Lublin, Poland, 15Th – 18, June 2008
- „Aflatoxins in Figs. An Analytical Problem?”, 8th Balaton Symposium on High Performance Separation Methods, September 2-4, 2009, Siofok, Hungary
- „A Versatile Method for Quantifying Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A Present in Dried Figs”,Analytica Conference München, 24.3.2010
- „Wie lässt sich die Bestimmungsgrenze in der DC-Analyse verbessern?“, Universitity Hohenheim, Fachbereich Lebensmittelanalytik, 19. Mai 2011, Stuttgart-Hohenheim
- „A New Approach for a Multidimensional TLC Evaluation”, 17th International Symposiumon Separation Sciences (17-ISSS), September 5-9, 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- „A New Approach for a Multidimensional Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) Evaluation”, ENVIRONMENTAL BEST PRACTICES, 5th international conference (ebp3), September 13th – 16th, 2011, Offenburg, Germany
- „A versatile Extraction Procedure using very small Liquid Amounts.”, 9th Balaton Symposium on High Performance Separation Methods, September 4-6, 2013, Siofok, Hungary
- „Chemiluminescence in Thin-Layer Chromatography for the Quantification of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons”, International Symposium for Thin-Layer Chromatography, 2. – 4. July 2014, Lyon, Frankreich
- „Chemiluminescence and Thin-Layer Chromatography – a successful combination”, 21th International Symposium on Separation Sciences (21-ISSS), June 30th – July 3th, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenien
- „What promises the SPEED-YES-test?”, ENVIRONMENTAL BEST PRACTICES,5th international conference (ebp5), September 20th – 22th, 2016, Offenburg, Germany
- „Anorganischer Schaum - der neue Hochleistungsdämmstoff: Welche Chemie versteckt sich hinter dem Institut NaSiO?“, Offenburg, den 28. April 2016 und Hochschule Kaiserslauter, 18. Mai 2017
- „2D-Thin Layer Chromatography of 17α-Ethinylestradiol on RP-18 W plate, detected by YES-Test”, International Symposium for Thin-Layer Chromatography, 4. – 8. July 2017, Berlin, Germany
- „High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) Today and in Future”, 2019 Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition, 18 – 20. November 2019, Princeton NJ, USA
- „LEDs in High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography, a new area in planar fluorescence measurement”, HPTLC 2022 - 25th International Symposium for High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography, June 28th – July 1th, 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenien