Research and Transfer

Doctoral Studies at HSO

Basic information

Since 2022, it has become possible to obtain a doctorate degree at a university of applied sciences ("HAW") in Baden-Württemberg, following the consolidation of several HAWs in the Promotionsverband Baden-Württemberg (Doctoral Association). HAW professors particularly strong in research can register with the Association and, after qualifying, supervise doctoral projects. Another way to pursue a doctorate at a HAW is through a so-called cooperative doctorate, i. e. a cooperation between a HAW and a traditional research university (and possibly other partner institutions).

Either way, a doctorate is an independent, individual scientific achievement. Although supervisers and other facilities will provide support, doctoral students are expected to demonstrate a high degree of personal initiative and scientific responsibility.

The path to a doctorate degree consists of preparing a written doctoral thesis (monographic or cumulative) and passing an oral defense of the thesis (Disputation or Rigorosum in German). The overall grade is calculated from the written thesis and the oral examination. The grading scale usually consists of summa cum laude (with highest distinction), magna cum laude (with high distinction), cum laude (with distinction), rite (sufficient), and non sufficit (insufficient). There is a publication requirement for the doctoral thesis, which can usually be fulfilled in digital form. The doctoral regulations of the institution granting the doctorate govern all general conditions and requirements.

More general information in English about pursuing a doctorate in Germany can also be found on the Research in Germany website.

Pursuing a doctorate at Hochschule Offenburg

Hochschule Offenburg is strong in applied research. The ideas for doctoral projects therefore often come from applied topics. Working within structured graduate and doctoral programs or in individual studies, our doctoral students make a significant contribution to research at the University. They are involved in a wide range of research projects, funded by state, federal or EU sources, doctoral fellowships or industry-funded research projects.

Quality assurance is very important to us. To ensure high-quality scientific discourse, our doctoral candidates are closely supervised by research-intensive professors and integrated into research institutes and working groups at Hochschule Offenburg and beyond.

Graduates interested in pursuing a doctorate can obtain further information from the heads of the research institutes and research projects, from Campus Research & Transfer (CRT), or from the Prorector for Research and Transfer. A high motivation for research and an above-average degree in a relevant Master's program are prerequisites for a doctorate.

What is the Promotionsverband?

Hochschule Offenburg is a member of the Promotionsverband, or Doctoral Association, of the state of Baden-Württemberg, which was founded in 2022 and awards doctorates for HAWs. HAW doctoral students are organized in four subject-area research units. At Hochschule Offenburg, the professors listed below for the respective research units are members of the Association and can thus supervise and assess doctoral theses.

Website of the Promotionsverband (German and English version)

Will the Promotionsverband finance my doctorate?

No, there is no financial support associated with acceptance.

How can I register with the Promotionsverband?

It is only possible to register for a doctorate and thus join the Association once a supervisor has been found and a doctoral topic has been chosen.The first and most important step is therefore to define a suitable topic and to find an academic superviser for this topic who is registered with the Association.

For further questions, please visit the FAQ page on the website.

Which professors at Hochschule Offenburg are registered with the Association? 

The following professors are your contacts in the four research units:

I) Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

Prof. Dr. Thomas Breyer-Mailänder

II) Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Medical Technology

Prof. Dr. Thomas Eisele [Institute for Circular Bioeconomy – ICB]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Hoppe [Peter-Osypka-Institut für Medizintechnik – POIM]

Prof. Dr. Steffen Willwacher [Institute for Advanced Biomechanics an Motion Studies IBMS]

Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Stefan Zirn [Peter-Osypka-Institut für Medizintechnik – POIM]

III) Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Gasper [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marlene Harter [Institute for Unmanned Aerial Systems – IUAS]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Niklas Hartmann [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janis Keuper [Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics – IMLA]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Klöffer [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]

Prof. Dr. Oliver Korn [Affective and Cognitive Institute – ACI]

Prof. Dr.-Ing Theo Lutz [Institute for Machine Learning an Analytics - IMLA, Institute for Digital Engineering and Production - IDEeP]

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schmidt [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora [Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik – ivESK]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wendt [Work-Life Robotics Institute – WLRI]

IV) Engineering Sciences

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Bessler [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Pfafferott [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]

Prof. Dr. Thomas Seifert [Prorektor Forschung und Transfer] [Institute for Digital Engineering and Production – IDEeP]



All agreements, statutes and doctoral regulations of the doctoral association are available online.


In a cooperative doctorate, other institutions in addition to Hochschule Offenburg are involved. A characteristic feature of Hochschule Offenburg is its strong collaboration with practice partners (companies) and other research institutions.

Possible partnering institutions include:

  • universities, 
  • research institutes not affiliated with a university (e. g. Fraunhofer institutes)
  • companies
  • international partner institutions (also in the form of cotutelle or double degree programs)
  • cultural institutions or foundations.

Funding of the Doctorate

There are a number of ways to finance a doctorate. The most common options at Hochschule Offenburg are:

It is possible to pursue a doctorate through a qualifying academic position. If employment is tied to a specific project, the dissertation topic is usually closely linked to that project, and the project head serves as (co-)superviser. In addition to the project work, administrative tasks are often part of such a position.

Open positions at HSO are announced on the University's jobs portal.

Doctoral positions in Germany are also announced via these portals:

A doctorate can also be obtained with employment at a company that cooperates with the University and with a professor there who is registered with the doctoral association ("industry doctorate"). This model combines business and academic interests and is based on the principle of dual qualification, resulting in various benefits for all sides. Typically, the doctoral candidate is employed at the company and academically supervised at the University.


The following links and databases may help to search for available scholarships for doctoral students:


Graduiertenkollegs, or graduate schools, offer structured and time-limited doctoral programs in a specific subject area. There is no central database for these programs, but useful further information can be found on the Research in Germany website.