Language Center

The Language Center of the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg offers general and technical language, study and job-oriented courses in up to 11 languages. Various certificates, such as the Certificate of Intercultural Competence and the DAAD Test, round off the offer.

Every year in the month of September, the International Center offers the intensive summer language course "German as a Foreign Language". The motto of our summer course is: German – Language and Culture.

This four-week intensive course is perfect if you are starting your studies or your exchange semester at the Offenburg University in the winter semester and would like to consolidate German skills for your upcoming studies and everyday life in Offenburg.

The 2025 summer language course will take place: Monday, September 1 - Friday, September 26, 2025.

To register for the summer language course please click here.

Registration is possible from spring 2025!


All classes are taught by experienced German teachers. Based on an ini­tial place­ment test, stu­dents are di­vided into small level groups (beginner, intermediate and advanced) of about 12-16 participants. The course concludes with a final exam, and par­tic­i­pants re­ceive a cer­tifi­cate. An individual pre- or postponement of the final exam date is not possible.

Example Time Schedule 2024

Late participation (after the course start) is not possible. Please make sure to plan your arrival accordingly.

The participants don't just learn German in the classroom: the varied social programme offers everyone the opportunity to get to know each other and to immerse in the culture of the region.

Together with the members of the Senior Service and other active members of the university, the international office organise the following activities for you this year:

  •     Guided tour of Offenburg
  •     Vineyard walking tour
  •     Coffee&Cake gathering ("Kaffeeklatsch")
  •     Medieval old town of Gengenbach
  •     Day excursion in the region
  •     Sports activities

Example Etracurricular Activities 2024

  • € 520 for external participants
  • € 380 for exchange students Master and students from partner universities who only attend the summer language course
  • € 200 for exchange students Bachelor at Offenburg University

There is an additional charge for teaching materials (approx. € 30,00).

The complete course fee must be transferred to the following account by July 15, 2025:

Recipient: Landesoberkasse Baden-Württemberg
Bank: Baden-Württembergische Bank
IBAN: DE02 6005 0101 7495 5301 02

For all payments, include as reference:1175280003845_your name_Summer Course. If you are a Master's student, please include your “Applicant number” as well.

Important: If you register shortly before the 15 July, please transfer the course fee on the same day and send a confirmation by email to


After 15 July a refund of the course fee is only possible for a valid reason, e.g. cancellation of the visa. The reason must be proved by provided documents. In this case, please contact the course coordination. For exceptions and further details, please see the fees regulations. (For the original German version please click here.)

Enrolled exchange students and Master's degree students of Offenburg University have the option of accommodation in the student residence or private accommodation. The rents range between approx. € 300-480. You will receive the application for accommodation directly form the exchange coordinator or the coordinator of the master's degree program.

If you are neither an exchange student nor a Master's student at Offenburg University but inscribed in the summer language course and need accommodation for the duration of the course, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.

More information about the accommodation in Offenburg you can find under accommodation.