In a lively speech Minister Altmaier explained the difficulties he is facing while developing a framework, which shall be fair to all stakeholders. His main message was that steadily efforts have to be done in order to overcome the difficulty to finally establish a stable and economically energy system, based on the fluctuating Renewable Energies. He also explained how demand innovative technologies like demand side management or “power-to-gas” could play a role.
One important motivation for him to give a speech at University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, he expressed as follows:
“University of Applied Sciences Offenburg belongs to the frontrunners in teaching and research in the field of energy systems”. It already offered dedicated study programs, when others did not recognize the relevance of these topics yet.
A number of current ECM students and alumni took part in the venue and also had the chance to discuss with Minister Altmaier in the question round.
There are more interesting speeches scheduled in the summer term:
Dienstag, 09. April 2013 19:30 Uhr, Herr Dr. Schneider, Schluchseewerk
„Die Bedeutung von Pumpspeicherwerken für die Energiewende am Beispiel der Schluchseewerk AG“
Donnerstag, 18. April 2013 19:30Uhr - Herr Holger Krahmer, Mitglied des Europ. Parlaments,
energiepolitischer Sprecher der FDP im EU Parlament „Die Energiepolitik der EU“
Dienstag, 07. Mai 2013 19:30 Uhr Herr Prof. Dr. Jochen Kreusel, ABB AG, Leiter des
Konzernprogramms Smart Grids „Auswirkungen eines hohen Anteils erneuerbarer
Energien auf die Systeme der elektrischen Energieversorgung“
Dienstag, 04. Juni 2013 19:30 Uhr Herr Dr. Manfred Vohrer, ehem. MdEU, Gründer
und Geschäftsführer Fa. Global Woods „Zukunft des Kyoto-Protokolls“
Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013 19:30 Uhr Herr Dr. Radensleben, Vorstandsvorsitzender BADENOVA
„Auswirkungen der Energiewende für einen regionalen Energieversorger“