Beim neu entwickelten "Statistik-Trail" des MINT-College der HS Offenburg können Studierende ihr erlerntes Wissen praktisch anwenden und…
Das Projekt „LIBlife“ des Instituts für Energiesystemtechnik (INES) war beim Förderprogramm HAW-KMU-TT erfolgreich und kann so den…
The event "Marktplatz Industrie 4.0" on Wednesday on the Offenburg campus showed that the application-oriented universities are guarantors…
The SHORTS 2018 ended with a major awards ceremony on Friday. 7 winners from 52 films were selected by the jury and prize money amounting to…
Two important milestones for the future of the University: On May 3, 2018, the new building of the Peter Osypka Institute was officially…
Twenty years ago, one of the first English-taught Master's degree programs in Germany started in Offenburg. Today, the Graduate School of…
In April, students of the Master's program in Business Administration held a multi-day event on the subject of Innovation and Design…