Offenburg - Hub of Energy Research

In 2018, one more new buildung (F) will enrichen the Offenburg campus: it will host the so-called "Regionales Innovationszentrum Energie" (RIZ Energie), a regional innnovation center for energy.
The concept is a project of several partners (among them Hochschule Offenburg as well as the city of Offenburg) and was approved by the government of Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart.

The future center shall become a hub for energy research projects in the region. Prof. Pfafferrott, also lecturing in ECM and responsible for planning the laboratories within the building, explained in a press conference the different labs which the new building will host for the various fields of research like: combined heat and power generation, ventilation and air conditioning, ventilation technologies, air-conditioning technologies, battery storage and lithium ion technology.
The whole scope of energy shall be analized, as announced by Prof. Isele, decan of the faculty Mechanical and Process Engineering, including the complete energy consumption flow, e.g. in heating devices or dish washers.

The total cost of the project add up to 10 million EUR. 50% of the amount will be financed by the EU project funds EFRE, 20% by the Land of Baden-Württemberg and 30% by donors, the city of Offenburg as well as Hochschule Offenburg.

The new center will be an important asset for Hochschule Offenburg, also keeping in mind its position among competitor educational institutes. At the same time it will surely be an added value for the trinational metropolitan region and a great chance to increase innovation.