Mexican scholarship holders at Herrenknecht

Impressive technology: Seven students from Mexico were able to get to know more about the world market leader in mechanical tunneling technology during a visit to the company Herrenknecht. 

This semester 60 students from partner universities spend at least one semester at Offenburg University. Seven of them come from Mexico and are scholarship holders of the program "Young Engineers from Mexico", a program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The Mexican scholarship holders study one semester in one of the engineering courses at Offenburg afterwords they do an internship at a Germany company.

In preparation for the internship, the students, together with Prof. Dr. Anne Najderek, Vice-Rector of Offenburg University, and Susanne Ziemer, employee of the International Office, visited Herrenknecht in Schwanau. The company was presented by a product manager of Herrenknecht who had graduated from Offenburg University. To get to know the newest mechanical tunnel driving technology in this way and to be albe to see the different machines life, was definitely an exciting experience.