Ground Breaking Ceremony for the New Building

The University of Applied Sciences in the company of the Baden Württemberg Minister for Finance Mr. Nils Schmid, marked the beginning of the contruction of the new building with a symbolic ground breaking ceremony.

Mr. Schmid joked about the colours, “black hall, red seats –an interesting combination” when he saw the large media hall of Building D, which was completed in 2009. Three years later, the green light has been given for a further building at the University. Building E will be built as a “passive house” with five floors and will be completed for the winter semester 2014/15. It will offer enough space for working, studying and lecturing. Mr. Schmid said “Good research needs clever students, they also need a good infrastructure”.

Georg Dietrich Holds a Moving Speech
Georg Dietrich, honorary senator of the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg has contributed considerably to accomplishing this infrastructure. He provided the start-up financing for the building with a generous donation. In his speech the 92 year-old reported about his motivation and affinity to the University Offenburg.
Mr. Dietrich also spoke about the partnership with the University Olsztyn in Poland: “This dialogue is a matter which is very close to my heart” said the honorary senator. He directed very personal words to the university director Ryszard Górecki who travelled especially from Olsztyn and also to the University Offenburg Rector Mr. Winfried Lieber. “The dialogue I wished for which extends outside our country’s borders has been fulfilled here at the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg” he praised. He closed his speech with the moving sentence: “The greatest gift I have ever had is being able to experience peace in Europe today”.
It was indeed a memorable day for the ground breaking ceremony, the day on which the European Union was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize.

Need for Further Space
Mr. Hubert Burda whose helicopter was not able to take off due to heavy snowfall, sent a fax stating his affinity to the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg.  He was involved in initiating the popular Media Department of the University for more 17 years ago.
Mr. Wolfgang Bruder, Chairman of the University Council pointed out the need for further space at the University: In the library there are 14 seating places and 6 computer work places”, Mr. Bruder pointed out. “There is an urgent need for extension here” he made clear.
Ms. Edith Schreiner, the Lord Mayor of Offenburg emphasized in her speech that the University of Applied Sciences enjoyed a high ranking in the town: ”We  are doing everything so that the students, parents with children and also the senior citizens in Offenburg feel at home”. It is possible for the new building to get the urgently needed fifth floor because of a 1.7 million euro interest-free loan from the municipality. “We would like to give the necessary space which the University needs to develop itself.” Ms. Schreiner said.
The Rector Mr. Winfried Lieber closed the ceremony in the Media building with a simply “Thank you” to the people attending and invited the participants to the ground breaking ceremony outside.