Congratulations to Our First Midplus Double-Degree Graduate

Kinga Kocsis has graduated succesfully as the first double degree student resulting from the cooperation between VIA University College/Denmark and Hochschule Offenburg.

"You did a marvellous job," summarized Mike Beyer-Pedersen, international coordinator of the VIA study program Value Chain Management. This was said during a reception held for Kinga Kocsis on the VIA Aarhus campus in Denmark. With this remark he not only referred to her excellent marks. Kinga Kocsis was a brilliant start to the double degree program and has helped a lot to convince students and lecturers of both institutions to support the ideas behind having two diplomas.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Dittrich, dean of the study program of Logistics and Commerce, congratulated on behalf of the department of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering at Offenburg. Together with Henrik Richardy Christensen, VIA, and responsible for meriting Kinga's papers of VIA, the two diplomas were handed over to Kinga Kocsis.

Kinga Kocsis pointed out that graduating as a double degree student helped her enormously in applying to world-class companies. She thanked for the opportunity and stated that many students should follow her and seize the opportunity of the double-degree program.

The double-degree program of VIA and HSO is part of the Midplus Logistics Competence Cluster. Midplus is a cooperation of currently five European universities who intensely work together in the field of logistics education. Besides Kinga Kocsis, two further students of VIA University College are currently studying as double degree students at Hochschule Offenburg.