Process Engineering

The MPE program equips students with advanced knowledge in chemical and thermal process engineering, biotechnology or food technology

Modul manual


Master's Thesis


General knowledge in Process engineering and Scientific Writing.

Teaching methods Thesis/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

The master thesis allows the student to demonstrate his or her ability to independently handle a scientific project from the area of process engineering within a limited period of time by means of scientific methods. This includes gathering information from scientific sources, conducting experimental work, critically scrutinising methods and results, writing a scientific thesis, and presenting the work to an audience.

Duration 1
ECTS 30.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

The thesis is defended by the student with an oral presentation of about 15 minutes and a discussion of about 10 minutes. The discussion constitutes a final oral examination.

Weighting of the module grade: Master thesis: 90%, presentation: 10%

Responsible person

Professor Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Eisele

Recommended semester 3. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Master MPE


Master's Thesis

Type Thesis
Nr. M+V2535
Hours per week

The students develop the chosen topic following as a scientific project and document their approach and results in a thesis report.


Depending on the topic of the master thesis.
