Communication and Media Engineering

Module Guide


Internet and Media Technologies

Teaching methods Lecture/Lab
Duration 1
Hours per week 5.0
Classes 75 h
Individual / Group work: 135 h
Workload 210 h
ECTS 7.0
Recommended semester 1
Frequency Annually (ws)

Database Systems Lab

Type Lab
Nr. M+I411
Hours per week 1.0
  1. Introduction to a standard relational database and its SQL-dialects
  2. Mapping a relational model to a physical model 
  3. Implementing the physical model with SQL-commands 
  4. Inserting, deleting and updating of data with SQL
  5. Various forms of Queries with SQL


Interactive Media

Type Lecture
Nr. M402
Hours per week 2.0

1. Introduction, Basics

2. Web technology: HTML, CSS, CMS

3. Media types and formats for static and dynamic media 

4. Data compression for static and dynamic media, container and codec formats

5. Transmission technologies, streaming

6. Basic workflow of media integration and multimedia production


  • Istvan Novak (2014): Unraveling HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
  • Julie C. Meloni (2014): HTML, CSS and JavaScript All in One
  • Jennifer Niederst Robbins (2012): Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics
  • Tay Vaughan (2011): Multimedia - Making it Work
  • T. M. Savage, K.E. Vogel (2008): An Introduction to Digital Multimedia
  • Dr. Nigel Chapman, Jenny Chapman (2009): Digital Multimedia

Database Systems

Type Lecture
Nr. M+I401
Hours per week 2.0
  • Introduction: Database System, Data Model, Database Applications
  • The Relational Model: Relations and Attributes, Selection, Join, Projection
  • SQL: Schema Definition, Queries, Changing the Data, Views, Consistency, ACID-Principle, SQL-Transactions,
  • Databank Design: Design Phases, Semantic Data Models, Dependencies, Normalisation, Transfering the Entity-Relationship Model into Relations
  • Database-Programming: JSP, Object-relational Mapping, JDBC, Stored-Procedures, Trigger
  • Beyond Relations: SQL3, No-SQL-Datenbanken, CAP und BASE, MongoDB, Main Memory Databases


  1. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2016.
  2. M. Keith, M. Schincariol: Pro JPA 2 -  A Definitive Guide to Mastering the Java Persistence API, Apress Media, 2013.
  3. Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom: Database Systems, Prentice-Hall, 2009.


