What’s It About?

What role does the “human factor” play in enabling companies in a digital economy to operate successfully in a digital economy? How do interdisciplinary teams work together efficiently in a modern working world? Why do people make certain purchasing decisions?
Business, psychology and methodology content is taught in equal parts. Students set individual specializations in Digital Economy and Human-Resources Management, and Marketing and Market Research.


The Business Psychology degree program provides you with business, psychology and methodology knowledge in theory and practice. The core issues of your studies are: What role does the “human factor” play in enabling companies to operate successfully in a digital economy? How do interdisciplinary teams work together efficiently in a modern working world? Which leadership and motivational methods create sustainable success? How does artificial intelligence assist people in taking decisions?

You will choose a specialization area in which you acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills, either Digital Economy and Human-Resources Management or Marketing and Market Research.


Additional Qualification: International Business Psychology
An optional semester abroad at a partner university abroad is also part of the program. Students who successfully complete three English-language courses at Offenburg University, prepare their Bachelor's thesis in English, spend a semester abroad, and also complete their practical semester abroad, receive the additional qualification International Business Psychology.

Digital Economy and HR Management Specialization
You will acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in recruiting and HR diagnostics, organizational development, digital economy, strategic information management and decision-making, project management and risk management, as well as in business-psychology projects in an international context, including cooperation with local, export-oriented medium-sized innovation leaders such as Huber Kältetechnik and global players such as PwC.

Marketing and Marketing Research Specialization
You will acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in consumer psychology, consumer behavior and marketing research, marketing management, law in marketing, direct marketing and digital marketing as well as in business-psychology and international projects with leading companies such as Markant and hansgrohe.

The Bachelor’s degree program usually takes seven semesters to complete, divided into two stages:

The first study stage (first and second semester) provides instruction in basic business and psychological subjects such as general business administration, economics and financial management, as well as general psychology, social psychology and basic business psychology.

The second study stage (third through seventh semester) includes required courses such as Human Resource Management; Market, Advertising and Advertising Psychology; and Digital Work, but also a selected area of specialization and advanced elective subjects. The specialization is chosen at the beginning of the fourth semester. The fifth semester is a practical semester, involving 95 days spent in a company in Germany or abroad. Besides subject-specific training, the practical semester provides valuable insights into future professional fields.

In the Electives module you can choose from choose from a diverse range of subjects. In addition, the program focuses on methodological and social skills, especially empirical social research, ethical decision-making, statistics, academic-scientific work, and social-intercultural skills.

The Bachelor’s Thesis is prepared in the seventh semester. Completion of the program leads to the academic degree of Bachelor of Science (abbrev. B.Sc.).


Offenburg University’s Bachelor's degree in Business Psychology, with its two specializations in Digital Economy and HR Management and Marketing and Marketing Research, paves the way for many attractive professional fields that are in high demand.

With your degree in Business Psychology, you have acquired specific competencies to conceptualize and implement measures for corporate and market development, recruiting, employee retention and talent development. You will be able to manage complex interdisciplinary projects. The program also places special emphasis on practical implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as internationally active local SMEs.

Typical future areas of responsibility include project management, managing business development, process and strategy consulting, marketing and/or market research, or work in human resources – in the Black Forest region and around the globe.

Another option is to further advance your academic education and enroll in one of the consecutive Master’s degree programs at Hochschule Offenburg, Dialog Marketing and E-Commerce or Business Administration.


Degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Language of instruction German and English
Duration of program 7 semesters (incl. internship (one semester))
Beginning of study program Summer and winter semester
Registration Deadline January 15 / July 15
Tuition and fees As of the 2017/18 winter semester, the following state tuition fees apply:
- EUR 1500 per semester for international, non-EU students
- EUR 650 per semester for students pursuing a second (non-consecutive) degree in Germany
For detailed information, click here.
Requirements Allg. oder fachg. Hochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife
Internship Not required
Selection procedure Yes
Accreditation Yes
ECTS 210 credits

Important Links (BP)

Study and examination regulations

Regulations on the formal procedure of studies and examinations as well as on the admission requirements

Module manual

Description of the content of the fields of study of the degree programme

Starting your Studies

[Translate to English:]

In den Fächern Mathematik und Physik bauen die Vorlesungen auf Schulwissen auf. Um Studienanfängerinnen und -anfängern den Übergang von Schule/Beruf ins Studium zu erleichtern, bietet die Hochschule Offenburg Vorkurse in diesen Fächern an, die jeweils zwei Wochen vor Vorlesungsbeginn stattfinden. Die Kurse dienen der Auffrischung und Vertiefung von Schulstoff, aber auch der Einführung in einige Themen, die nicht in allen Bildungsplänen enthalten sind. Vorkurse gibt es auch für einige der Informatik-Studiengänge zur Erleichterung des Einstiegs in die Programmierung.


Neue Studierende sollten die Vorkurse unbedingt besuchen, falls mindestens eine der folgenden Bedingungen auf sie zutrifft:

  • Längerer zeitlicher Abstand zur Schulzeit
  • Kein Abitur
  • Lediglich den Mathe-Grundkurs belegt
  • Mathe-Schulnote schlechter als 2,0
  • Starker Einsatz des grafikfähigen, programmierbaren Taschenrechners
  • Auf-Nummer-sicher-gehen wollen
  • schon Mit-Studierende kennenlernen möchten

Mathe-Tests zu Beginn des ersten Semesters zeigen den Vorsprung der Vorkurs-Teilnehmenden gegenüber den Nicht-Teilnehmenden.

Die genauen Termine der Vorkurse gibt es auf der Vorkurs-Seite des MINT-Colleges.

[Translate to English:]

An den Einführungstagen lernen die neuen Studierenden "ihre" Hochschule Offenburg kennen. Unterstützt werden sie dabei vom Team der Hochschulkommunikation, das Semester für Semester ein informatives und abwechslungsreiches Programm für die Studienanfängerinnen und -anfänger zusammenstellt.


[Translate to English:]

Mentor*innen sind Studierende höherer Semester, die den neuen Studierenden in den Bachelor-Studiengängen eine erste Orientierung im Studium geben:


  • Wie organisiere ich am besten meinen Studienalltag?
  • Wie bereite ich mich auf Prüfungen vor?
  • Wo finde ich das Prüfungsamt?
  • Wie funktioniert die Oskarkarte?
  • An wen kann ich mich bei Problemen wenden?
  • Was läuft abends in Offenburg oder Gengenbach?

Bei diesen und vielen anderen Fragen helfen die Mentor*innen den neuen Studierenden weiter. Jedem Mentor/jeder Mentorin ist dabei eine kleine Gruppe neuer Studierender zugeordnet. Die Treffen finden üblicherweise zu Beginn des Semesters organisiert statt, beispielsweise am Einführungstag. Später werden Ort und Zeitpunkt von den Gruppen selbst organisiert.

"Die Mentorinnen und Mentoren werden angeleitet und begleitet, können sich bei Fragen jederzeit per E-Mail an uns wenden und tauschen sich bei Treffen untereinander und mit den Organisatoren über ihre Erfahrungen aus", berichtet Jacqueline Obermann, die das Mentor*innenprogramm des vom MINT-Colleges lange Zeit betreut hat.

In eigener Sache: Das MINT-College ist immer auf der Suche nach engagierten Studierenden, die gern als Mentorin oder Mentor neuen Studierenden den Einstieg an der Hochschule erleichtern möchten. Fragen rund um das Programm beantwortet gern Justine Schindler.

Neue Studierende/neuer Studierender und noch nicht Teil einer Mentor*innengruppe? Einfach eine kurze Nachricht an die Koordinatorin des Mentor*innenprogramms schreiben: sofia.haemmerle@hs-offenburg.de