Module manual


Business Administration (BW)

PO-Version [  20221  ]

Accounting (HGB and IFRS)


Cost Accounting

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

The students know the basic normative principles of accounting according to HGB (German Commercial Code) and IFRS, audit and disclosure. Based on differing accounting objectives, they understand the various accounting methods according to HGB and IFRS. They are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the respective accounting methods. The students are able to independently prepare financial statements and thereby consolidate their accounting knowledge. They can interpret information from HGB or IFRS accounting and use it as a basis for decision-making or, based on a decision to be made, obtain the necessary information from the respective accounting. They are aware of the limits of accounting-related company analysis, its high dynamics, and of current accounting-related developments.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 6.0
Classes 90 h
Individual / Group work: 150 h
Workload 240 h
ECTS 8.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K120)

Responsible person

Prof. Dipl.-Kfm. Ulrich Bantleon

Recommended semester 3. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor’s degree program:


Accounting (HGB and IFRS)

Type Lecture
Nr. W0176
Hours per week 6.0
  • Purposes of accounting according to HGB and IFRS
  • Normative principles of accounting according to HGB and IFRS, their audit and disclosure
  • Components of accounting for all merchants and for corporations and certain partnerships under the HGB
  • Components of accounting according to IFRS
  • Recognition standards for assets and liabilities (HGB and IFRS)
  • Valuation standards (HGB and IFRS)
  • Equity and profit calculation (HGB and IFRS)
  • Income statement (HGB and IFRS)
  • Notes, management report and other accounting instruments (HGB or IFRS)
  • Selected special problems (HGB and IFRS)
  • Basic accounting analysis (HGB and IFRS)
  • Current developments

Each newest edition:
Baetge, J. et al.: Bilanzen, Düsseldorf. Coenenberg, A. G. et al: Jahresabschluss und Jahresabschlussanalyse, Stuttgart.
Gräfer, H./Wengel, T.: Bilanzanalyse, Berlin/Herne. Grottel, B. et al (Hrsg.): Beck´scher Bilanzkommentar, Munich. Grünberger, D.: IFRS, Berlin/Herne.
Kirsch, H.: Einführung in die internationale Rechnungslegung nach IFRS, Berlin/Herne Lüdenbach, N. et al. (Hrsg.): IFRS-Kommentar, Freiburg. Pellens, P. et al.: Internationale Rechnungslegung, Stuttgart. Petersen, et al.: IFRS Praxishandbuch, Munich. Ruhnke, K./Simons, D.: Rechnungslegung nach IFRS und HGB, Stuttgart.

Bachelor's Thesis

Teaching methods Thesis
Learning target / Competences

The final thesis should enable students to deal independently with a subject-specific problem and to complete a written paper on it within a specified period of time.

Duration 1 Semester
Classes 0 h
Individual / Group work: 360 h
Workload 360 h
ECTS 12.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written completion of the Bachelor’s thesis
First and second evaluations for the final grade assessment

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. iur. Jörg-Andreas Weber

Recommended semester 7. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor's degree program:

Business and Labor Law


Lecture on Private Law

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

Students gain fundamental knowledge of the basic concepts and principles of private commercial law, in particular commercial, corporate and labor law. They are able to independently assess simple legal problems and those of medium difficulty in business practice and develop solutions. They also develop an understanding of the legal method.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 90 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K90)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. iur. Jörg-Andreas Weber

Recommended semester 4. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor’s degree programs:
Betriebswirtschaft Logistik und Handel


Business and Labor Law

Type Lecture
Nr. W0125
Hours per week 4.0
  • Basic concepts of commercial law, in particular the status and concept of a merchant, commercial register, trading company, commercial enterprise, authorized representatives under commercial law and commercial purchase
  • Basic structures of corporate law
  • Establishing and managing of partnerships and corporations
  • Overview of credit securities
  • Basic structures of labor law: concept of employee, legal sources, establishment, content and termination of employment relationships
  • Legal working techniques and scientific methods in business law

Dütz/Thüsing (2021): Arbeitsrecht, 26. ed., C. H. Beck, Munich
Junker, A. (2022): Grundkurs Arbeitsrecht, 21. ed., C. H. Beck, Munich
Kindler, P. (2019): Grundkurs Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, 9. ed., Munich
Zöllner/Loritz/Hergenröder (2015): Arbeitsrecht, 7. ed., C. H. Beck, Munich
Klunzinger, E. (2012): Grundzüge des Gesellschaftsrechts, 16. ed., Vahlen, Munich
Klunzinger, E. (2011): Grundzüge des Handelsrechts, 14. ed., Vahlen, Munich

Business Management


Knowledge of basic strategic analysis tools, proficiency in scientific-academic working methods

Teaching methods Lecture/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

Students understand the importance of strategic management for corporate management. They know basic CSR concepts and their application in a strategic context and can apply these to use situations. They understand the guiding principle of sustainability as a normative framework for business model development.
The course is designed to promote an ability to think in a networked manner.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 120 h
Workload 180 h
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Strategic Management: written exam (K60)
Corporate Social Responsibility Seminar (CSR): term paper and oral presentation (HA+RE)
Weighting HA+RE: 75 % term paper, 25 % oral presentation

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Sybille Schwarz

Recommended semester 6. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Degree program:


Strategic Management

Type Lecture
Nr. W0156
Hours per week 2.0
  • Schools of thought on strategy formation (prescriptive and descriptive)
  • The business model as an expression of strategy
  • Principles of dynamic strategies
  • Strategic concept formation (information analysis, strategy development, strategy implementation, strategy review)
  • Newer approaches to strategy research and practice

Lombriser, R./Abplanalp, P. A. (2018): Strategisches Management, 7. ed., Zürich.
Bea, F.X./Haas, J. (2019): Strategisches Management, 10. ed., Stuttgart.
Gassmann, O. u.a. (2017): Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln, 2. ed., Munich.
Müller-Stewens, G./Lechner, C. (2016): Strategisches Management. 5. ed., Stuttgart.

Corporate Social Responsibility Seminar

Type Seminar
Nr. W0157
Hours per week 2.0

Conceptual foundations of corporate social responsibility and their application in business contexts


Baumast, A. et al. (2019): Betriebliche Nachhaltigkeitsleistung messen und steuern, Stuttgart.
Brühl, R. (2018): Corporate Social Responsibility, Munich.
Pufe, I. (2017): Nachhaltigkeit, 3. ed., Munich and Constance.
Wunder, T. (ed.) (2017): CSR und Strategisches Management.

business Transformation Management


General economic knowledge

Teaching methods Lecture/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

Students gain a fundamental understanding of digital change and digital transformation in various industries. They understand the effects of digitalization and can identify options for action for companies based on necessary change processes. In this context, students also analyze the importance of the human factor in the change process, learn methods and models of change management and can apply these in practice-oriented issues.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 120 h
Workload 180 h
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Presentation (RE) and report (BE)
Weighting: 100 % presentation, report not graded

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumgärtler

Recommended semester 6. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor's degree program:


Change Management

Type Lecture
Nr. W0178
Hours per week 2.0
  • Methods and models of change management
  • Analysis of the "person in change"
  • Phases and tasks of a change initiative in companies and classification in a change context
  • Planning and organization of a change in a company and within a project
  • Change planning on a corporate/strategic level
  • Case studies from corporate practice

The actual literature list will be announced in the lecture. Excerpt from the literature list:
Höf-Bausenwein, Heike: Arbeitswelten transformieren: dynamischer Wandel durch neue Methoden, 1. ed., Freiburg 2020, Haufe Lexware Verlag.
Bosse, Christian K./ Zink, Klaus J. (ed.): Arbeit 4.0 im Mittelstand: Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels für KMU, 1. ed, Berlin/Heidelberg 2019, Springer Verlag.
Doppler, Klaus/Lauterburg, Christoph: Change Management. Den Unternehmenswandel gestalten, 14. ed, Frankfurt/New York 2019, Campus Verlag.
Lang, Michael/Wagner, Reinhard: Das Change Management Workbook: Veränderungen im Unternehmen erfolgreich gestalten, Munich 2020, Hanser Verlag.
Lauer, Thomas: Change Management: Grundlagen und Erfolgsfaktoren, 3. ed, Wiesbaden 2019, Springer-Gabler Verlag.
Vahs, Dietmar/Weiand, Achim: Workbook Change Management: Methoden und Techniken, 3. ed, Stuttgart/Freiburg 2020, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.

Digital Transformation Management

Type Seminar
Nr. W0179
Hours per week 2.0
  • Introduction to digital transformation management
  • Digitalization and disruptive frameworks, identification and analysis of megatrends
  • Analysis of branches in the context of digitalization
  • Implications of digitalization for companies, workers and the HR market
  • Course of actions for organizations in the context of digital change
  • Handling digital change as digital transformation managers
  • New business model creation
  • Case studies

The literature list will be announced in the lecture. Excerpt from the literature list:
Dahm, Markus H./Thode, Stefan (ed.): Strategie und Transformation im digitalen Zeitalter: Inspirationen für Management und Leadership, Wiesbaden 2019, Springer Gabler Verlag.
Fortmann, Harald R. (ed.): Digitalisierung im Mittelstand: Trends, Impulse und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation, Wiesbaden 2020, Springer Gabler Verlag.
Fortmann, Harald R./Kolocek, Barbara: Arbeitswelt der Zukunft: Trends – Arbeitsraum – Menschen – Kompetenzen, Wiesbaden 2018, Springer Gabler Verlag.
Harwardt, Mark/Niermann, Peter F.-J./Schmutte, Andre M./Steuernagel, Axel (ed.): Führen und Managen in der digitalen Transformation: Trends, Best Practices und Herausforderungen, Wiesbaden 2020, Springer Gabler Verlag.
Kreutzer Ralf T.: Toolbox für Digital Business: Leadership, Geschäftsmodelle, Technologien und Change-Management für das digitale Zeitalter, Wiesbaden 2021, Springer Fachmedien Verlag.
Müller-Friemauth, Friederike/Hafkesbrink, Joachim/Schaffner, Michael/Weber, Carsten/Weimann Steffen (ed.): Fallstudien zur Digitalisierung im Mittelstand: Reale Unternehmensbeispiele und Handlungsimplikationen, 1. ed., Wiesbaden 2021, Springer Fachmedien Verlag.
Müller-Seitz, Gordon/Weiss, Werner: Strategien zur Umsetzung der digitalen Transformation: Einblicke in die Erfolgsfaktoren eines Hidden Champions, München 2019, Verlag Franz Vahlen.
Scheer, August-Wilhelm: Unternehmung 4.0: vom disruptiven Geschäftsmodell zur Automatisierung der Geschäftsprozesse, 3. ed., Wiesbaden 2020, Springer Vieweg Verlag.

Controlling 1


Knowledge from the general business administration course, comprehensive knowledge in cost and activity accounting

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

The aim of the course is to develop the understanding that controlling is a cross-functional management tool providing strategic and operational support for the entrepreneurial decision-making and management process. Students acquire a sound knowledge of the methods, instruments and procedures of planning, controlling and information supply systems, with which they can analyze any deviations and develop appropriate measures to eliminate them.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 90 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K90)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Michael Otte

Recommended semester 3. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelo’s degree programs:
Betriebswirtschaft Logistik und Handel


Basic Controlling

Type Lecture
Nr. W0115
Hours per week 4.0
  • The role of controlling in the company
  • Planning and budgeting
  • Decision calculations
  • Deviation analyses
  • Cost management and target costing
  • Transfer pricing
  • Value-oriented controlling
  • Key figures and key figure systems (e.g. balanced scorecard)

Reichmann, T/Kißler, M./Baumöl, U.  (2017): Controlling mit Kennzahlen: die systemgestützte Controlling-Konzeption, 9. ed., Munich 2017.
Weber, J./Schäffer, U. (2020): Einführung in das Controlling, 16. ed. Stuttgart.
Brühl, R. (2016): Controlling, 4. ed., Munich 2016.
Horváth, P./Gleich, R./Seiter, M. (2015): Controlling, 13. ed., Munich 2015.
Baum, H.-G./Conenberg, A./Günther, T. (2014): Strategisches Controlling, 5. ed., Stuttgart 2014.

Controlling 2


Basic controlling; Comprehensive knowledge of cost and activity accounting, bookkeeping, balance sheet preparation

Teaching methods Lecture/Excercise/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

The participants understand the business-management interrelationships in both national and international activities and learn to organize, plan and control them, to analyze deviations, and to steer the company according to its corporate objectives with the help of suitable management tools.
Students also learn to review, present in a structured manner, analyze, and critically evaluate the state of the literature on current issues of controlling. Furthermore, they acquire competencies related to the independent preparation of a scientific-academic paper.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 6.0
Classes 90 h
Individual / Group work: 150 h
Workload 240 h
ECTS 8.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Integrated Corporate Management and Business Game:
Written exam (K60) and oral presentation (RE)
Weighting: 75% K60, 25% RE

Controlling Seminar: Term paper and oral presentation (HA+RE)
Weighting: 75% HA, 25% RE

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Michael Otte

Recommended semester 4. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor's degree program:


Integrated Corporate Management

Type Lecture
Nr. W0170
Hours per week 2.0

Implementation and application of planning, control and information instruments to support decision-making and control processes in accordance with corporate objectives and using selected practical case studies


Horváth, P./Gleich, R./Seiter, M. (2020): Controlling, 14. ed., Munich 2020.
Reichmann, T.: Controlling mit Kennzahlen: die systemgestützte Controlling-Konzeption mit Analyse- und Reportinginstrumenten, 9. ed., Munich 2017.
Ewert, R.; Wagenhofer, A.: Interne Unternehmensrechnung, 8. ed., Berlin et al. 2014.
Götze, U.: Kostenrechnung und Kostenmanagement, 5. ed., Berlin et al. 2010.

Corporate Management Business Game

Type Lecture/tutorial
Nr. W0171
Hours per week 2.0

The business decisions that have to be made to succeed in (international) competition on the market are simulated in exemplary ways. Strategic and operational decisions have to be taken for different kinds of entrepreneurial situations.


Documents for the business game will be handed out during the first session.
Gleißner, W./Wolfrum, M. (2019): Risikoaggregation und Monte-Carlo-Simulation, Wiesbaden 2019.
Reichmann, T.: Controlling mit Kennzahlen: die systemgestützte Controlling-Konzeption mit Analyse- und Reportinginstrumenten, 9. ed., Munich 2017.

Controlling Seminar

Type Seminar
Nr. W0143
Hours per week 2.0

The business decisions that have to be made to succeed in (international) competition on the market are simulated in exemplary ways. Strategic and operational decisions have to be taken for different kinds of entrepreneurial situations.


Basic reference for scientific-academic work:
Theisen, M. (2021): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, 18. ed., Munich 2021.
Further literature related to the specific topic at hand will be recommended in class.

Controlling 3


Cost and performance accounting, basic information technology, basic controlling

Teaching methods Lecture/Tutorial
Learning target / Competences

Students acquire skills in the application of the SAP ERP software. They will be able to evaluate software tools and map accounting problems to software systems.
Appropriate methods and instruments will be presented for the essential planning functions in the company.
Students will be able to master the methods and instruments and evaluate their suitability for operational problems.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 6.0
Classes 90 h
Individual / Group work: 150 h
Workload 240 h
ECTS 8.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Practical work (PA) and written exam (K90)
Weighting: 2/3 written exam, 1/3 Practical work

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Michael Otte

Recommended semester 6. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor's degree program:
Betriebswirtschaft (Bachelor)


Planning and Analysis Tools in Controlling

Type Lecture/tutorial
Nr. W0173
Hours per week 2.0
  • Practical implementation of strategic and operational controlling tools in the planning and analysis of various functional areas in the company using IT tools
  • Methods for the targeted visualization of analyses
  • Methods for automating controlling tasks using IT tools
  • IT tools for processing and analyzing large amounts of data

Nelles, St. (2019): Excel im Controlling, 4. ed., Bonn 2019.
Nahrstedt, H. (2019): Excel + VBA für Controller, Wiesbaden 2019.
Umrein, D. (2016): Excel im Controlling, Munich 2016.

Business Intelligence im Controlling

Type Lecture/tutorial
Nr. W0183
Hours per week 2.0
  • Automated and efficient preparation of standard reports and analyses for a wide range of recipients (lower to top management) using BI tools.
  • Answering specific questions by analyzing large data sets in real time.
  • Simplification of planning and budgeting through BI applications.

Müller, R. M./Lenz, H.-J. (2013): Business Intelligence, Berlin 2013.
Schön, D. (2018). Planung und Reporting im BI-gestützten Controlling, 3. Aufl., Wiesbaden 2018.
Gluchowski, P./Gabriel, R./Dittmar, C. (2008). Management Support Systeme und Business Intelligence. Computergestütze Informationssysteme für Fach- und Führungskräfte, 2. ed., Berlin 2008.

Application of standard business software in controlling

Type Lecture/tutorial
Nr. W0184
Hours per week 2.0
  • The structures of financial accounting, cost accounting and logistics
  • Definition of the most important SAP organizational terms
  • Entering master data and transaction data in SAP independently
  • Mapping and handling of cross-module business processes in SAP
  • Handling basic transactions of the FI and CO modules of SAP's ERP software

Weber, K. (2019): Schnelleinstieg ins Finanzwesen (FI) mit SAP S/4HANA, Gleichen 2019.
Voigt, N. (2020): Praxishandbuch SAP S/4HANA Controlling, Gleichen 2020.
Eifler, St./Theis, Ch. (2020): Werteflüsse in die SAP-Ergebnisrechnung (CO-PA) unter S/4 HANA, Gleichen 2020.
Wenzel, P. (ed.) (2001): Rechnungswesen mit SAP R/3, Wiesbaden 2001.

Corporate Tax Law


Basic knowledge of accounting, balancing and private law

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

Students learn to declare business and personal taxes using tax forms, to perform tax calculations, to review tax assessments, and to prepare tax balance sheets, including tax accounting, on their own.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 90 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K90)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. iur. Jörg-Andreas Weber

Recommended semester 4. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Degree program:


Tax Law

Type Lecture
Nr. W0126
Hours per week 4.0
  • Foundations of general tax law
  • Types of taxes
  • Tax jurisdiction, principles of tax law
  • Tax law procedures, taxation
  • Tax collection, appeal procedure
  • Income tax law
  • Trade tax law
  • Corporate income tax law
  • Inheritance and gift tax law
  • Sales tax law

Wehrheim, M. / Fross, I. (2019): Grundzüge der Unternehmensbesteuerung, 3. ed., C. H. Beck, Munich
Grashoff, D. (2021): Grundzüge des Steuerrechts, 15. ed., C. H. Beck, Munich
Scheffler, W. (2020), Besteuerung von Unternehmen I, 14. ed., C. F. Müller, Heidelberg
Jacobs, O. / Scheffler, W. / Spengel, C. (2015): Unternehmensbesteuerung und Rechtsform, 5. ed., C.H. Beck, Munich

Economic Policy


Basic economics and general business administration

Teaching methods Lecture/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

Students will be able to analyze current economic policy issues and recognize the respective conceptual reference points of different economic policy recommendations for action.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 120 h
Workload 180 h
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K60) and term paper (HA)
Weighting: 50% K60, 50% HA

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Weiß

Recommended semester 6. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Degree program:


Economic Policy

Type Lecture
Nr. W0158
Hours per week 2.0
  • Economic policy in market economies
  • Allocation and competition problems
  • Distribution problems
  • Stabilization problems
  • Spotlight topic

Bartling, Hartwig/Luzius, Franz (2019), Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre: Einführung in die Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik, 18. ed., Vahlen, Munich.
Roth, Steffen J. (2021), VWL für Einsteiger, 6. ed., UVK Verlag, Munich.
Klump, Rainer (2021), Wirtschaftspolitik: Instrumente, Ziele und Institutionen, 4. ed., Pearson, Munich.

Economics Seminar

Type Seminar
Nr. W0159
Hours per week 2.0
  • Analytical foundations and solutions of elementary individual decision problems, using simple market situations and current economic issues as examples

There are new literature recommendations every semester depending on the respective seminar topics.



Basic knowledge of business and economics; financing coursework

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

Students acquire an understanding of lending practices, internal and external rating procedures, and lending with special consideration of the relationship between the company and the bank. They develop approaches for improving ratings and for implementing them. They can differentiate between alternative forms of bank financing and apply them on the basis of practice-oriented case studies.
Students become familiar with the main features of the most important capital-market theoretical concepts in order to analyze investment and financing decisions under uncertainty in an economically sound manner. They will also be able to evaluate the different financing instruments in the capital market context.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 120 h
Workload 180 h
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K120)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumgärtler

Recommended semester 4. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelo's degree program:


Capital Market Based Financing

Type Lecture
Nr. W0169
Hours per week 2.0
  • Introduction
  • Market-oriented investment and financing decisions
  • Valuation of bonds
  • Valuation of shares
  • Capital markets and the valuation of risk
  • Advanced topic

Berk, Jonathan/DeMarzo, Peter (2019), Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft: Analyse, Entscheidung und Umsetzung, 4. ed., Pearson, Hallbergmoos.
Spremann, Klaus/Gantenbein, Pascal (2019), Finanzmärkte: Grundlagen, Instrumente, Zusammenhänge, 5. ed., UVK Verlag, Munich.

Bank-Based Corporate Financing

Type Lecture
Nr. W0182
Hours per week 2.0
  • Basic aspects of bank financing
  • Financing aspects, especially for SMEs
  • Forms of bank credit
  • Other forms of bank financing
  • Development and causes of insolvencies
  • Basel capital rules and rating
  • Bank lending and credit rating
  • Types of ratings, rating symbols and rating agencies
  • Phases of the rating process (external ratings)
  • Approaches to rating optimization
  • Credit rating systems (internal bank ratings) using the example of
  • Selected bank groups
  • Key figures and rating criteria
  • Bank-internal rating process and credit decision
  • Alternatives to the classic bank loan

Lecture script
Olfert, K. (2017): Kompakt-Training Praktische Betriebswirtschaft - Finanzierung, 7. ed, Herne.
Füser, K. / Gleißner, W. (2014): Praxishandbuch Rating und Finanzierung. Strategien für den Mittelstand, 3. ed. Munich.
Wöltje, J. (2012): Betriebswirtschaftliche Formelsammlung, 6. ed., Freiburg
Hofbauer, G. / Bergmann, S. (2008): Optimales Rating für KMU, 1. ed., Erlangen.
Schneck, O. (2008): Rating. Wie Sie Ihre Bank überzeugen. 2. ed, Munich.
Stiefl, J. (2008): Finanzmanagement unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen. 2. ed., Munich.
Breitkreuz, G. / Helmel, I. (2007): Schnelleinstieg Rating und Alternativen zum Bankkredit. 1. Ed., Aachen.
Füser, K. / Gleißner, W. (2005): Rating-Lexikon. Munich.
Additional literature will be announced in the lecture.

HR Management and Organization


General business management knowledge

Teaching methods Lecture/Seminar
Learning target / Competences

Students are familiar with the HR management and organizational tasks in a company. They understand the relevance of these areas of responsibility for achieving the company's goals and can apply business management structuring considerations to HR and organizational issues. In doing so, they will be aware that the selected organization also has implications for personnel management decisions, or that the organization must be adapted in the event of an HR-related bottleneck (in particular at the staff level). With this in mind, they can assess the viability of alternative personnel and organizational measures and make appropriate decisions.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 90 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K90)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Matthias Graumann

Recommended semester 6. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Degree program:


HR Management

Type Lecture
Nr. W0160
Hours per week 2.0
  1. Preparing personnel assignment
    • General conditions of HR management
    • Staff selection
  2. Leadership and cooperation
    • Personnel leadership and assessment
    • Staff participation in decision-making
    • Communication design
    • Cooperative and tactful behavior
    • Inofficial/informal groups (cliques)
  3. Staff motivation
    • Concept and types of motivation
    • Promoting work motivation through incentives
    • Case studies on promoting work motivation through incentives
  4. Crisis management
    • Change management
    • Staff redundancy
    • Financial assessment of redundancy measures

Berthel, J./Becker, F.G. (2017): Personal-Management, Munich.
Burkhardt, A./Graumann, M./Becker, R./Paul, P. (2021): Lob vergrössert Arbeitszufriedenheit und Commitment. In: Personalführung, 54. Jg., p. 58-62.
Burkhardt, A./Graumann, M./Becker, R. (2018): Commitment senkt die Burnoutgefahr. In: Personalführung, 51. Jg., p. 56-60.
Burkhardt, A./Graumann, M. (2015): Senkung des Krankenstands durch Förderung des Commitment. In: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 84. Jg., p. 308-313.
Drumm, H.J. (2008): Personalwirtschaft. Berlin.
Graumann, M. et al. (2017): Entscheidung über Massnahmen zur Senkung des Krankenstands. In: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 86. Jg., p. 298-305.
Graumann, M./Burkhardt, A./Venohr, D. (2016): So unterstützen Massnahmen zur Arbeitszufriedenheit die Kundenzufriedenheit. In: Personal Quarterly, 68. Jg., p. 26-31.
Graumann, M./Skrabek, C. (2014): Die Verdrängung intrin-sischer Motivation durch das Management by Objectives – Ein unterschätztes Problem. In: Personalwirtschaft, p. 62-64.
Graumann, M./Semrau, Th./Skrabek, C. (2013): Motivieren SMART-formulierte Zielvereinbarungen wirklich? In: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 82. Jg., p. 117-124.
Malik, F. (2006): Führen Leisten Leben. Frankfurt.
Ridder, H.-G. (2015): Personalwirtschaftslehre, Stuttgart.
Scholz, C. (2011): Grundzüge des Personalmanagements, Munich.
Semrau, Th./Graumann, M./Jost, L. (2011): Partizipative Zielvereinbarungen - Fördert Mitbestimmung wirklich die Motivation der Mitarbeiter? In: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 80. Jg., p. 238-244.
Skrabek, C./Graumann, M. (2015): Umgang mit Lebenskrisen. In: Personal Quarterly, 67. Jg., p. 40-45.
Weuster, A. (2012): Personalauswahl. 2 Bände. Wiesbaden.


Type Lecture
Nr. W0161
Hours per week 2.0

Part 1. Introduction

Part 2. Basic concepts

Part 3. Organizational levers
1. Establishing organizational units
a) Units
(1) Advantages of specialization of units
(2) Optimal degree of specialization
(3) Types of job specialization
(4) Disadvantages of job specialization
(5) Illustration of the disadvantages of separation.
b) Departments
(1) Why are departments formed?
(2) Design of management
(3) Types of specialization of departments
(4) Advantages of specializing departments
(5) Disadvantages of specializing departments
(6) Illustration of the disadvantages of separation
(7) Overview
2. Coordination
a) Purpose of coordination
b) Instruments of coordination
(1) Normal coordination: planning and standardization
(2) Corrective coordination: contingency plans and procedures, improvisation
c) Who decides on coordination?
d) Unofficial coordination
e) When is coordination worth it?
f) What is the best coordination action?

Part 4. Organization design
1. Fitting the levers
2. Additional consideration of strategies
a) Consideration of the corporate strategy
b) Consideration of the competitive strategy
3. Selected organizational decisions
a) What organizational structure does the company need?
b) Should central departments be formed?
c) How should functional departments be organized internally?
d) Should a matrix organization be introduced?
e) What should be considered in group work?
f) How can projects be organized?
g) How can agility be achieved?
h) Should the hierarchy be flattened?


Ebers, M./Maurer, I./Graumann, M. (2021): Organisation. In: W. Busse von Colbe u.a. (Ed.), Betriebswirtschaft für Führungskräfte. 5. ed., Stuttgart, p. 267-315.
Frese, E./Graumann, M./Theuvsen, L. (2019): Grundlagen der Organisation. Wiesbaden.
Galbraith, J.R. (2013): Designing Organizations. San Francisco.
Graumann, M. (2020): Organisatorische Entscheidungen treffen! Herne.
Graumann, M./Grundei, J. (2016): Lohnt sich eine Hierarchieabflachung? In: Board – Zeitschrift für Aufsichtsräte in Deutschland, 2. Jg., p. 161-164.
Graumann, M. (2008): Aufbauorganisation. In: Corsten, H./Goessinger, R. (Ed.), Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Munich, p. 75-78.
Graumann, M./Arnold, H.-J./Beltjes, N. (2003): Call Centres - A Case Study on the Interplay Between Organization and Information Technology, in: The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Vol. 28, p. 111-126.
Graumann, M./Grundei, J. (2015): Nachweis einer „angemessenen Information“ im Sinne der Business Judgment Rule durch Rückgriff auf anerkannte betriebswirtschaftliche Verhaltensmassstäbe – Das Beispiel der Eliminierung einer Leitungsebene im Hause Siemens. In: Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance, 10. Jg., p. 197-204.
Graumann, M./Niedermeyer, M. (2005): Interface Management in Strategic Alliances, in: Delfmann, W. et al. (Ed.), Strategic Management in the Aviation Industry. Aldershot, p. 255-273.
Kahle, E. (2004): Ausschüsse, in: Schreyögg, G./v. Werder, A. (Ed.), Handwörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation, Stuttgart 2004, p. 72-78.
Kieser, A./Walgenbach, P. (2010): Organisation. Stuttgart.
Lehner, J.M. (2004): Improvisation, in: Schreyögg, G./v. Werder, A. (Ed.), Handwörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation, Stuttgart, p. 457-464.
Maurer, I. (2004): Organisations-/Unternehmenskultur, in: Gaugler, E./Oechsler, W.A./ Weber, W. (Ed.), Handwörterbuch des Personalwesens, Stuttgart, p. 1293-1305.
Neuwirth, St. (2004): Stäbe, in: Schreyögg, G./v. Werder, A. (Ed.), Handwörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation, Stuttgart 2004, p. 1349-1356.

Information Systems


Basic IT skills, basic knowledge of the operational areas and business processes of companies; logistics and materials management, accounting, cost accounting

Teaching methods Lecture/Tutorial
Learning target / Competences

Students acquire proficiency in applying current computer science tools for solving business-management problems, with a focus on software components for ERP and business intelligence.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 120 h
Workload 180 h
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K120)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Werner Puhl

Recommended semester 4. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor’s degree programs:


Business Intelligence

Type Lecture/tutorial
Nr. W0155
Hours per week 2.0
  • Basic principles and terminology; BI reference architecture
  • Key figures for business management
  • Multidimensional analysis with OLAP
  • Multidimensional data modeling
  • Data Warehouse Systems
  • Accompanying integrated case study with practice-relevant tools (MS Excel, MS Power BI, SAP Analytics Cloud)

Kemper, H-G., et al: Business Intelligence & Analytics – Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen, 4. ed., Wiesbaden 2021
Müller, R., Lenz, H.-J., Business Intelligence, 1. ed., Berlin 2013

Business Information Systems

Type Lecture/tutorial
Nr. W0154
Hours per week 2.0
  • Structure and features of standard business software, using SAP ERP® as an example
  • Work on an integrated case study on the functional areas of procurement, production, sales and the work areas of external and internal accounting, using the SAP ERP® standard software

Lecture skript and exercises are available on the intranet in PDF format.
Körsgen, F.: SAP ERP Arbeitsbuch, 4. ed., Berlin 2015
Friedl, G./ Hilz, C./ Pedell, B.: Controlling mit SAP, 6. ed., Braunschweig 2012
Benz, J./Höflinger, M.: Logistikprozesse mit SAP, 3. ed., Wiesbaden 2011

International Business Project

Teaching methods Seminar
Learning target / Competences

Students develop the ability to analyze, plan and implement strategic issues by linking methods and subject sciences. They know the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualita­ti­ve methods as well as the methodological differences between different disciplines such as economics, political science and law. In this interdisciplinary context, students are able to com­bine theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Thus, they will be able to implement pro­jects in selected entrepreneurial areas. Through project work in the context of small groups, the students' social competence in particular is promoted in addition to methodological skills.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 90 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Project Work (PRA)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Andreas Klasen

Recommended semester 6. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Degree program:


International Business Project

Type Seminar
Nr. W0177
Hours per week 4.0
  • Methods and processes of initiating, founding and implementing research-based learning in an interdisciplinary context.
  • Theoretical approaches and practical phenomena in economics, business administration, law, sociology and political science
  • Significance of projects for acting in internationally active business enterprises as well as standard instruments of strategy development
  • Methods for planning and implementing a project such as requirements analysis, business case and structural planning
  • Calculation as well as interpretation of progress indicators and trend statements on the basis of actual and plan data as well as reporting forms
  • Methods for evaluating an interdisciplinary project in an international context

The up-to-date literature list will be announced in the lecture. Excerpt from the literature list:
Weidinger, Christina/Fischler, Franz/Schmidpeter, René, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Heidelberg 2014.
Manktelow, Aidan, Guide to Emerging Markets, 3. ed., London 2014.
August, R., Mayer, D., and Bixby, M., International Business Law, Harlow 2013.
Cavusgil, Tamer, Doing Business in Emerging Markets, London 2012.
Grath, Anders, The Handbook of International Trade and Finance, 2. ed., London 2012.
Hill, Charles, International Business, New York 2011.
Pless, Nicola/Maak, Thomas, Responsible Leadership, Dordrecht 2011.
Hofstede, Geert/Hofstede, Gert Jan/Minkov, Michael, Cultures and Organizations, 3. ed., New York 2010.
Holtbrügge, Dirk/Welge, Martin, Internationales Management, Stuttgart 2010.
Backhaus, Klaus/Voeth, Markus, Internationales Marketing, Stuttgart 2010.
Tietje, C., Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, Berlin, 2009.
Sperber, Herbert/Sprink, Joachim, Internationale Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Munich 2007.

Investment and Financing


Basic knowledge of business administration, accounting, civil law and corporate law; courses in general business administration and business mathematics

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

Students acquire basic methods and instruments in investment appraisal and finance. They can apply the methods and instruments to problems in business practice and develop an understanding of the relationships between investment planning and financing.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 hrs.
Individual / Group work: 120 hrs.
Workload 180 hrs.
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K120)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wenger

Recommended semester 3. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor’s degree programs:
Betriebswirtschaft Logistik und Handel
Wirtschaftsinformatik plus


Capital Budgeting

Type Lecture
Nr. W0112
Hours per week 2.0
  • Foundations of capital budgeting: its overall and managerial significance; distinctions from profitability and cost accounting; accounting elements of capital budgeting
  • Static methods of capital budgeting: possible uses, decision criteria, applications; critical appraisal
  • Dynamic methods of capital budgeting: net present value, internal rate of return, annuity, dynamic amortization period
  • Determination of the cost of equity using CAPM (capital ssset pricing model)
  • Mixed cost of capital, WACC (weighted average cost of capital)
  • Aspects of capital budgeting with uncertain expectations

Olfert, K. (2015): Investition, 13. ed., Herne
Olfert, K. (2015): Kompakt-Training Investition, 7. ed., Herne
Berk, J./DeMarzo, P. (2015): Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft, 3. ed., Hallbergmoos
Ermschel, U., Möbius, Ch., Wengert, H. (2016): Investition und Finanzierung, Berlin
Perridon, L./Steiner, M./Rathgeber, A. (2016): Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung, 17. ed., Munich
Schuster, Th., Rüdt von Collenberg, L. (2017): Investitionsrechnung, Kapitalwert, Zinsfuß, Annuität, Amortisation, Berlin
Wagner, N. (2018): Finance: Ein Leitfaden mit Aufgaben und Lösungen, Norderstedt


Type Lecture
Nr. W0113
Hours per week 2.0
  • Basic principles of corporate finance (liquidity, profitability, risk, capital requirements, capital structure, optimization of capital structure)
  • Deposit and equity financing
  • Debt financing (short and long-term loans, bonds, credit substitutes)
  • Internal financing
  • Special forms of financing (mezzanine, private equity, development loans)
  • Financial analysis and planning
  • Loan collaterals
  • Capital and financial markets

Each newest ed.:
Achleitner A./Thommen J.(2020): Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 9. ed., SpringerGabler.
Bieg, H./Kußmaul, H.: Finanzierung, Munich
Drukarczyk, J./Lobe, S.: Finanzierung, Stuttgart
Gräfer, H./Schiller, B.: Finanzierung, Berlin
Perridon, L./Steiner, M./Rathgeber, A.: Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung, Munich
Zantow, R./Dinauer, J./Schäffler, C.: Finanzwirtschaft des Unternehmens, Munich

Marketing 1


Basic business management knowledge

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

The Basic Marketing module familiarizes students with the fundamental concepts of marketing and marketing planning. Participants gain the ability to think in a market-oriented manner in their future professional environment; to make practical marketing decisions with a sure eye for the respective initial situation; to develop marketing concepts; and to differentiate between alternative marketing instruments and apply them in their professional practice.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 90 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K90)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Larissa Greschuchna

Recommended semester 3. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor’s degree programs:
Medientechnik/Wirtschaft plus
Wirtschaftsinformatik plus


Basic Marketing

Type Lecture
Nr. W0114
Hours per week 4.0
  • Paradigm shift in marketing and marketing as a management task
  • Buying behavior of consumers and organizations
  • Marketing in individual areas (institutional characteristics)
  • Situation analysis, market forecasts and obtaining relevant market information
  • Strategic marketing
  • Use of marketing instruments in the market environment
  • Marketing controlling

The lecture slides are accessible in Moodle.
Homburg, Ch. (2020): Marketingmanagement. Strategie - Instrumente - Umsetzung - Unternehmensführung. 7. rev. ed., Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden (eBook).
Kuß, A.; Kleinaltenkamp, M. (2020): Marketing-Einführung. Grundlagen - Überblick - Beispiele. 8. rev. ed., Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden (eBook).
Bruhn, M. (2019): Marketing: Grundlagen für Studium und Praxis, 14. rev. ed., Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, (eBook).
Becker, J. (2019): Marketing-Konzeption. Grundlagen des ziel-strategischen und operativen Marketing-Managements. 11. rev. ed., Vahlen, Munich.
Kotler, P. et al. (2019): Grundlagen des Marketing, 7. rev. ed., Pearson.

Marketing 2


Marketing foundations, operating statistics

Teaching methods Lecture/Lab
Learning target / Competences

Students are introduced to behavioral marketing research and become aware of how psychological processes and influences shape consumer behavior. They are familiarized with the basic principles of consumer behavior and marketing research. In addition to various forms of data collection (including questionnaire design), they learn how to apply selected methods to analyze marketing questions.
In Quantitative Methods in Marketing, the material covered in class is practically implemented using examples and partly supported by software (SPSS).
Students acquire knowledge of the characteristics, instruments and strategies of capital-goods and service marketing. In addition, the characteristics of buying behavior of business and service customers as well as the effects of customer integration and business relationships on such markets are explained. From this, business type-specific marketing activities are derived.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 6.0
Classes 90 h
Individual / Group work: 150 h
Workload 240 h
ECTS 8.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K90) and practical project (PA)
Weighting: 50% K90, 50% PA

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Larissa Greschuchna

Recommended semester 4. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor degree program:


Quantitative Methods in Marketing

Type Lab
Nr. W0135
Hours per week 2.0
  • Bivariate analysis
  • Regression analysis
  • Variance analysis
  • Cluster analysis
  • Factor analysis
  • Classification methods
  • Conjoint measurement
  • Selected application-specific methods
  • Computer-aided application of methods in SPSS with emphasis on method selection, application and result interpretation

Services and Capital Goods Marketing

Type Lecture
Nr. W0134
Hours per week 2.0
  • The significance and special characteristics of services and industrial goods marketing (e. g. service individualization, customer integration)
  • Organizational sales and procurement behavior
  • Business typologies in industrial goods marketing
  • Strategic marketing decisions of service providers
  • Quality management in the service sector
  • Design of operational marketing instruments, in particular the extended marketing mix

The slides used in class are made available in Moodle.
Homburg, Ch. (2017) Marketingmanagement. Strategie - Instrumente - Umsetzung - Unternehmensführung. 6. ed., Wiesbaden. Ch. 17 and 19.
Meffert, H.; Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (2015) Dienstleistungsmarketing. Grundlagen - Konzepte - Methoden 8., rev. ed. (e-book)
Backhaus, K.; Voeth, M. (2014): Industriegütermarketing, 10. ed., Munich.
Further literature will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research

Type Lecture
Nr. W0133
Hours per week 2.0
  • Explanation of consumer purchase decision behavior (including the influence of various determinants)
  • Activating processes (activation, emotion, attitude)
  • Cognitive processes (information reception, processing and storage)
  • Psychological processes of processing communicative actions
  • Cultures and values
  • Primary and secondary research
  • Theoretical foundations of measurement
  • Data collection methods (survey, observation, mixed forms) Data evaluation (univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis methods) Application of marketing research methods in the practice of consumer goods marketing

Scripts are made available on the intranet. The literature will be announced at the beginning of the class.

Marketing and Sales Project Work


Basic knowledge from the Private Law lecture and from previous classes on leadership, production and logistics, law and human resources.

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

The central objectives for all three courses in the Marketing and Sales module are:

  • Acquiring and networking theoretical knowledge
  • Developing analytical skills
  • Identifying and applying problem-solving approaches
  • Evaluating results and drawing conclusions
  • Transferring theoretical methods to practical cases
  • Gaining concrete experience in problem solving

Students will explore marketing in various interdisciplinary aspects in this lecture, and then apply the new knowledge and the different methods and approaches to concrete problems in practice.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 6.0
Classes 90 h
Individual / Group work: 150 h
Workload 240 h
ECTS 8.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Project work (PR)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Andrea Müller

Recommended semester 6. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor's degree program:


Innovation Management

Type Lecture
Nr. W0165
Hours per week 2.0
  • Search fields
  • Scenario of technologies and megatrends
  • Customer information
  • Types of innovation

Lecture slides
Häusel, H.-G. (2015): Top Seller: Was Spitzenverkäufer von der Hirnforschung lernen können
Osterwalder und Pigneur (2012): Business Modell Generation, ein Handbuch für Visionäre, Spielveränderer und Herausforderer
Häusel, H.-G. (2012): Brain View. Warum Kunden kaufen
Häusel, H.-G. (2006): Innovation mit TRIZ - Konzepte, Werkzeuge, Praxisanwendungen, Symposion Publishing, Düsseldorf
Scripts are made available on the intranet. Further literature will be announced at the beginning of the class.

Dialog Marketing

Type Lecture
Nr. W0180
Hours per week 2.0
  • Dialog marketing foundations
  • Dialog marketing instruments
  • Dialog marketing processes
  • Implementation and evaluation of dialog marketing campaigns
  • Case studies

The lecture scripts are available on the intranet. Literature will be announced at the beginning of the class.

Marketing Law

Type Lecture
Nr. W0181
Hours per week 2.0

Presentation of the legal background of marketing, as regards the business management system

  • Product policy (especially design and marketing law)
  • Communication policy (especially fair trading law, online and social media marketing, liability for content)
  • Marketing information (data privacy law)
  • Pricing policy

Lecture slides
Birk/Löffler/Boos, Marketing- und Vertriebsrecht, Munich 2020.
The lecture slides are available on the intranet. Further literature will be announced at the beginning of the class.

Practical Semester

Teaching methods Internship
Learning target / Competences
  • The educational objectives of the practical semester in a company are:
  • to be able to assess the company as a social factor
  • to develop an understanding of the internal work processes as well as the interaction of the company's divisions
  • toto understand the company's relations to the environment, in particular to the procurement and sales markets as well as to the labor market
  • To be able to solve complex tasks in at least two operational functional areas
  • gain experience in participating in project groups
Duration 1 Semester
Classes 0 h
Individual / Group work: 900 h
Workload 900 h
ECTS 30.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Students prepare a report (approx. 20 pages) on their practical semester and, at a separate event at the University, report on their experience in a plenary session. Presentations may also take place in other semesters.

Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Michael Otte

Recommended semester 5. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelo's degree program:
Betriebswirtschaft (Bachelor)

Production Management


Basic knowledge of business administration and of production and materials management

Teaching methods Lecture/Tutorial
Learning target / Competences

Students can use the knowledge they have acquired in this course to develop innovative solutions for companies ("Applying the old in a new way, that is innovation", Joseph Alois Schumpeter) and assess the prioritization of practical tasks ("If you can’t measure you can’t manage", Peter Drucker). They understand production management comprehensively and can place it in the professional environment of a business administrator. They understand the value of (new) knowledge ("A new thought is first laughed at, then fought against, until after a long time it is taken for granted", Arthur Schopenhauer) and can establish connections within the classwork as well as between the course and subjects of business studies. They develop abstract and analytical thinking using the quantitative methods of production management and learn to work together constructively on complex issues and in difficult situations.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 120 h
Workload 180 h
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam (K120)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Rietz

Recommended semester 3. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor’s degree programs:
Betriebswirtschaft Logistik und Handel


Quality Management

Type Lecture
Nr. W0153
Hours per week 2.0
  • Concept and introduction quality
  • Tasks and tools of quality management:
  • Quality planning: including QFD, fault tree analysis, FMEA.
  • Quality control and quality assurance: inspection planning, MSA, inspection documentation, sampling inspections, QRK, defect management (problem solving tools, such as A4 and A3 report, Ishikawa, 5Why), complaint management (8D report, Weibull analysis), Six Sigma projects, auditing, among others
  • Quality improvement: zero defect principle, working with target states
  • Quality management systems: ISO 9000, ISO 9001, EFQM model, document management

Pfeifer, T. (2011): Praxisbuch Qualitätsmanagement. Hanser Verlag, Munich
Kamiske, G.F./ Brauer J.-P. (2007): Qualitätsmanagement von A-Z, 8. ed., Munich
Pfeifer, T./ Schmitt, R./ Masing, W. (2007): Masing Handbuch Qualitätsmanagement, 5. ed.; Hanser Verlag, Munich
Downloads on classwork on the university intranet

Manufacturing Organization

Type Lecture/tutorial
Nr. W0152
Hours per week 2.0
  • Introduction: Objectives and tasks of the manufacturing organization
  • Organizational structure: functional, object-related, matrix organization, organizational forms of production sites
  • Process organization: Work-data identification, production program planning, quantity planning, scheduling, capacity planning, scheduling and control, manufacturing organization in lean production

Stefan Kiener et al.: Produktions-Management. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012
Wiendahl: Betriebsorganisation für Ingenieure. Hanser Verlag, 2008
Schneider / Buzacott / Rücker: Operative Produktionsplanung und Steuerung. Oldenburg Verlag, 2005
Jahnke / Biskup: Planung und Steuerung der Produktion. mi Verlag, 1999

Required Electives

Teaching methods Subject-Specific
Learning target / Competences

In their choice of electives, students can take their studies in a variety of directions:

  • through a content-related extension of the study contents,
  • a methodology-related extension,
  • a broadening of the social and political background to their studies,
  • or by personal affinities and interests

Students acquire in-depth specialist knowledge in these courses and can apply it in business practice.

Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 8.0
Classes 180 h
Individual / Group work: 360 h
Workload 540 h
ECTS 12.0
Responsible person

Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumgärtler

Recommended semester Wählbar vom 2. bis 7. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Bachelor's degree program:



Basic knowledge from previous courses on leadership, law and production and logistics; and on the subject of general business administration, information technology, marketing and management

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences
  • Students are familiar with the basic aspects of a business model.
  • Which forms of sales exist (both in B2B and B2C); in which industries or in which functional units of a company can sales and e-commerce be found? How are the two linked?
  • How do the challenges in sales present themselves, and can they be structured and classified?
  • Analysis and evaluation of "as-is" situations
  • Identification of potential problems
  • Recognition of possible solutions and their implementation
Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 120 h
Workload 180 h
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Practical work (PA)

Responsible person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Denne

Recommended semester 4. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

Degree program:


Sales Management

Type Lecture
Nr. W0163
Hours per week 2.0
  • Business Model Canvas (BMC)
  • Management and sales (including Sunzi)
  • The sales plan of a product or service
  • Sales Excellence especially the personal level ("soft skills" in sales)

Osterwald und Pigneur (2012): Business Modell Generation, ein Handbuch für Visionäre, Spielveränderer und Herausforderer, Campus Verlag
Drucker, P. F. (2010): Was ist Management? Das Beste aus 50 Jahren, ECON Verlag
Kleinaltenkamp, M. (2009): Technischer Vertrieb, eine praxisorientierte Einführung in das Business-to-Business-Marketing, VDI Buch, Saab, 2009
Kleinaltenkampt, M. et al (1998): Markt- und Produktmanagement, die Instrumente des technischen Vertriebs, Springer
In addition, scripts will be available on the intranet; further current literature will also be announced at the beginning of the course.


Type Lecture
Nr. W0164
Hours per week 2.0
  • Foundations
  • E-commerce approaches
  • E-commerce processes
  • E-commerce management
  • Future developments

Kollmann, T. (2019): E-Business, 7. ed., Wiesbaden.
Meffert, H., Burmann, C., Kirchgeorg, M., Eisenbeiß, M. (2019): Marketing. 13. ed., Wiesbaden.
Ahrholdt, D., Greve, G., Hopf, G. (2019): Online-Marketing-Intelligence, Wiesbaden.
Deges, F. (2020): Grundlagen des E-Commerce, Wiebaden.
Heinemann, G. (2020): Der neue Online-Handel, 11. ed., Wiesbaden.
Heinemann, G. (2020). B2B eCommerce: Grundlagen, Geschäftsmodelle und Best Practices im Business-to-Business Online-Handel, Wiesbaden.
Kreutzer, R. (2022): Praxisorientiertes Marketing, 6. ed., Wiesbaden.
Kreutzer, R. (2021): Online-Marketing, 3. ed., Wiesbaden.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A. (2014): Value proposition design: how to create products and services customers want, New Jersey.
Solmecke, C., Kocatepe, S. (2018): Recht im Online-Marketing, 3. ed., Bonn.
Steireif, A., Rieker, R.A., Bückle, M. (2021): Handbuch Online-Shop: Strategien, Erfolgsrezepte, Lösungen für wirkungsvollen E-Commerce, 3. ed., Bonn.
Lecture slides and additional documents are available in the "E-Commerce" Moodle course.
