Secure, Autonomous and AI-Based Systems

Secure, Autonomous and AI-Based Systems

The digital transformation and expansion of cyber-physical systems increasingly require more collaborative solutions and human-machine interaction. Cognitive computing also increases the autonomy of systems (e.g. autonomous vehicles and flying objects). At the same time, it also poses challenges in communication and interface design between components and systems, data acquisition and analysis using artificial intelligence (e.g. Big Data, machine learning), and IT security.

Research in this area is conducted primarily at the Affective and Cognitive Institute (ACI), Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics (IMLA), Institute for Unmanned Aerial Systems (IUAS), and the Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics (ivESK)

Title Cooperation to Learning Internet of Things
Cost Centers 990101787
Short Name Cool-IoT
Short Description Das Hauptziel der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik (ivESK) der Hochschule Offenburg (HSO) und dem Fachbereich Electronics and Telecommunications Department (ETD) der Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas (UCLV) ist die Entwicklung und der Austausch von multimedialem Lehrmaterial im Bereich des Internets der Dinge (IoT) und die Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Einrichtungen in diesem Bereich.
Year Of Acquisition 2021
Start Date 2021-10-01
End Date 2022-07-31
Project Managers Sikora, Axel, Prof. Dr.
Faculties EMI
Institution ivESK
Funder Kind Bund
Private Funders
Public Funders DAAD
Sponsorship International Virtual Academic Collaboration – IVAC
Cooperation Partners UCLV, Santa Clara, Kuba
Research focus of the university Sichere, autonome und KI-basierte Systeme

Project Finances

Year Amount Type Sum Description
Fördersumme III (brutto mit PP) 48,315.00 €