Life Science Engineering

Life Science Engineering

Life science engineering deals with the technical use of natural and life science findings. In the field of medical engineering, Hochschule Offenburg conducts research on cardiology (especially electrical stimulation and ablation) as well as on neurorobotics, hearing prosthetics, biomedical imaging and surgical navigation systems. In the field of biotechnology and environmental process engineering, the HSO focuses on biogas technology, thermal conversion processes and biological methanization.

The Peter Osypka Institute for Medical Engineering (POIM) is one of the participating institutes.


Title Entwicklung eines Standardisierungsprozesses zur Analyse seltener DNA-Profile zur Next generation sequencing (NGS)
Short Name NGS Diagnostik
Short Description Entwicklung eines Standardisierungsprozesses zur Analyse seltener DNA-Profile zur Next generation sequencing (NGS)-Diagnostik am Beispiel hämatologischer Krebserkrankungen - Einbindung des Zell-Anreicherungsverfahrens in den bestehenden NGS-Routineprozess
Year Of Acquisition 2014
Start Date 2014-04-01
End Date 2017-09-30
Project Managers Zell, Christiane, Prof. Dr.
Faculties M+V