Economics, Trade and Business Processes

Economics, Trade and Business Processes

Successful companies are not only the result of technical innovations. Efficient production planning and logistics (e.g. virtual factory), clever business models (e.g. e-commerce), market-oriented innovation management as well as international financing instruments are also crucial factors for success.

The Institute for Trade and Innovation (IfTI) is a key contributor in this research area at Hochschule Offenburg.

Title Net-Zero Export Credit Alliance Innvoation and Knowledge Hub Research Project - Verlängerung
Short Name NZECA-Verlängerung
Short Description The purpose of this research project is to support the establishment of a coherent network alliance to coordinate aligning EXIMs and ECAs with global climate policy - the Net-Zero Export Credit Alliance (NZECA). The Alliance will be coordinated by a Secretariat hosted by the UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), comprising key leaders of EXIMs and ECAs with a climate policy mandate and in close collaboration with the Berne Union and E3F, representatives of their guardian authorities and leading scholars. Supported by an Innovation and Knowledge Hub at the University of Oxford, the Alliance would help a critical mass of EXIMs and ECAs to catalyze the alignment with the Paris Agreement.
Year Of Acquisition 2024
Start Date 2024-04-01
End Date 2024-10-31
Project Managers Klasen, Andreas, Prof. Dr.
Faculties W
Institution IfTI