Riempp, Roland
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Lecturer in the following areas: Conception and production of interactiver media, media integration, digital media, media technology. Research in the following areas: psychological aspects of interactive multimedia applications, usability, e-learning
- 0781 205-132
- Riempp@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: D305
- Badstraße 24, 77652 Offenburg
- Sprechstunde im WS 2024/25: Dienstag 11:30 h bis 13:00 h - WICHTIG: Zuvor online Termin buchen (Link unten) und auf Email vom System NOCH BESTÄTIGEN !
Academic Career
- College degree at humanistic gymnasium in Ravensburg, Germany
- High school degree at technical gymnasium in Ravensburg, Germany
- Education as musician in Bern, St. Gallen (both Switzerland) and Munic (Germany)
- About ten years of work and practice as musician, live gigs and studio recordings, guitar teacher, sound engineer, several bands and musical projects, 630 live-gigs
- 1990 to 1994: Study of Media Technology at Stuttgart Media University (HdM), Stuttgart (Germany). Degree as Dipl.-Ing. (FH) for Media Technology. Topic of Diploma Thesis: "Digital Video in interactive Media"
- 1994: K&E-Award for the best degree at Stuttgart Media University (HdM) in summer semester 1994
- 1994 to 1996: Researcher and lab assistant in the "Interactive Media Lab" at Stuttgart Media University (HdM)
- 1995 to 1996: Lecturer for the topics "Interactive Media" and "Media integration" at Stuttgart Media University (HdM)
- 1995 to 1996: Project leader at the international university multimedia project "MultiMET" in collaboration of the european regions Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Rhone-Alpes (France), Cataluña (Spain), Lombardia (Italy) as well as Wales (Great Britain) with Canada as associate partner
- 1994 to 2000: Dissertation in psychology of media and cognition at Tübingen University (Germany)
- 2000: Degree as Dr. rer. soc. for Psychology, magna cum laude
- Since 1994: Free seminar teacher for topics like multimedia, media technology, media production for ZNM (Zürich, Switzerland), Mountain Multi Media (Brienz, Switzerland), Siemens (Germany), Macromedia Academy (Munic, Germany) and more
- 2002 to 2006: Lecturer at Macromedia Media University in Munic (Germany) for the topics "Multimedia-Producing" and "Recording I-III", in the study program "Applied Media Economics"
- Since 1994: Free multimedia producer for different clients, Multimedia-Consulting
- 1997 to 2000: Junior lecturer for Media Technology at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Offenburg (Germany)
- Since March 2000: Professor and Senior Lecturer for Media Integration at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences
- Since 2000: Head of Media Integration Lab at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences
K&E-Award for the best degree at Stuttgart Media University (HdM) in summer semester 1994
Books Contributions
- Book publication: Säwert, M. & Riempp, R. (2019). Digital Storytelling im Web - Am Beispiel von scroll-activated-animations. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Nature
- Book publication: Hehn, T. & Riempp, R. (2010). PDF@Flash: Multimediale interaktive PDF-Dokumente durch Integration von Flash. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
- Riempp, R. (2009). Audio im Kontext des E-Learnings. Funktion, Wirkung, Konzeption und Einsatz. In: Werner, H. U. & Lankau, R. [Publisher] Massenmedien und Kommunikation, MUK 176/177. Siegen University (Germany), 2009
- Book publication: Plag, F. & Riempp, R. (2006). Interaktives Video im Internet mit Flash. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
- Islas Sedano, C.; Tedre, M. & Riempp, R. (2006, May). A Learning Object in Engineering Education: A Case Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multicultural Learning and Media Literacy in the Modern World, Hämeenlinna, Finnland, May 21st - 23rd 2006
- Schwan, S. & Riempp, R. (2004). The cognitive benefits of interactive videos: learning to tie nautical knots. Learning and Instruction: The Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, 2004; 14 (3)
- Dissertation: "Intentionales Beobachtungslernen von Bewegungs- und Handlungsabläufen mit interaktivem Video", Knowledge Media Research Center (KMRC) at Tübingen University (Germany), 2000
- Schwan, S., Zahn, C., & Riempp, R. (2000, Juli). Prozesse der Informationsverarbeitung bei interaktiven Videos. Ökopsychologisches Kolloquium. Psychologisches Institut, Eberhard-Karls-University, Tübingen (Germany)
- Zahn, C., Schwan, S., Riempp, R., & Hesse, F. (2000, February). Lernen von Bewegungsabläufen mit interaktiven Videos: Anpassung der Informationsdarbietung an interne Verarbeitungsprozesse.
1. Tagung der Fachgruppe Medienpsychologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Colone, (Germany) - Book publication: Riempp, R. & Schlotterbeck, A. (1995). Digitales Video in interaktiven Medien. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer