Süme, Sinan Emre  M.Eng

Süme, Sinan Emre

  • Room: CW0.06.2
  • Max-Planck-Str. 1, 77656 Offenburg



Thomas Wendt, Sinan Süme, Kaithavalappil Ajay Amal A New and Innovative Approach to Recognizing a Machine Based on the Structural Fingerprint: Instance Segmentation and Distance Measuring with a Single RGB-D Camera
Sinan Süme, Katrin-Misel Ponomarjova, Thomas Wendt, Stefan Rupitsch Enhancing human–robot collaboration with thermal images and deep neural networks: the unique thermal industrial dataset WLRI-HRC and evaluation of convolutional neural networks


Damian Läufer, Simone Braun, Sinan Süme, Urban Himmelsbach Comparison of Approaches for Human Detection with Low-Resolution Infrared Data Sets Using Deep Learning
Sinan Süme, Katrin-Misel Ponomarjova, Thomas Wendt, Stefan Rupitsch Differentiation of Human and Robots with Thermal Images and Convolutional Neural Network for Human-Robot Collaboration
Katrin-Misel Ponomarjova, Thomas Wendt, Anke Fischer-Janzen, Sinan Süme, Bastian Kayser Enhancing Independence through Intelligent Robotics: An AI Driven Assistive Robotics Interface


Urban Himmelsbach, Sinan Süme, Thomas Wendt Classification of Thermal Images for Human-Machine Differentiation in Human-Robot Collaboration Using Convolutional Neural Networks