University degree in your hands

Done! 430 graduates completed their studies at Offenburg University in the winter semester 2017/2018. On Friday evening, they were given a festive farewell in the Oberrheinhalle.

"What could be nicer than actively contributing to your success", Professor Winfried Lieber, Rector, congratulated the 430 graduates of the 2017/2018 winter semester. A total of 900 guests attended the traditional university celebration in Offenburg's Oberrheinhalle on Friday evening. The graduates had received their diplomas in the course of the festive ceremony. A total of 286 students obtained a Bachelor's degree and 144 a Master's degree.

Highly qualified junior staff
According to Rector Lieber, it is a privilege to be allowed to sign these documents: "I read names, courses of study, degrees and places of birth. Each name stands for a personality who has successfully invested in her academic career by studying with us". And the respective birthplaces would reflect the regional catchment area as well as the distinct internationality of the university. In addition, highly qualified junior staff is an essential prerequisite for ensuring scientific and economic competitiveness - both for the knowledge-intensive business location of Germany and, of course, for the high-tech state of Baden-Württemberg, above all, Ortenau. "This completely reverses the pain of saying goodbye into a good mood".
"With today you have acquired highly up-to-date knowledge and the practical tools for a good career start," said guest speaker Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kathöfer, Managing Director of the Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF). Thomas Kathöfer emphasised the importance of cooperation between universities and medium-sized companies for the efficiency of the innovation system. It was therefore an honour and pleasure for him to congratulate the graduates of the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg.

University Teaching Award
Prof. Dr. Mathias Bärtl, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the department of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering, was awarded this year's University Teaching Prize for the first time. The prize, endowed with 5,000 euros, was awarded during the university ceremony and can be used for other teaching projects. "Good teaching has many faces," emphasised Prof. Anne Najderek, Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching. "And the Offenburg University has many examples of good teaching. But Mathias Bärtl convinced the jury of his excellent teaching with his well-rounded and reflected teaching concept in connection with a varied, didactic variety and innovative concepts". Over 750 students took part in the nominations for the university teaching award.

Helmut Schareck, Chairman of the Association of Friends and Sponsors of Offenburg University, congratulated the graduates: "You can look back on an exciting and intensive phase of your life here at the University. Enjoy the moment". Many friends and sponsors as well as private donors support our university," he explained. They provide the students with financial means, teaching aids, facilities and information. Helmut Schareck asked to become a member of the association. "We support and finance with donations wherever state education funds are no longer available. The money for this comes from numerous companies in the region, and of course from the alumni of this university. 200 individual members and 100 companies and associations are already part of this network.
The graduate speech held Manuel Rapp, graduate of the progam Management / Logistics and Trade: For me it was always important to see that what I learned was also applicable in practice, praised Rapp the studies at Offenburg University. "Whether by the excellently organized and accomplished excursions or, at the latest, in the practical semester, it became clear that this is given. He sees himself and his fellow students very well prepared for the different sectors of the labour market. At the university, however, not only "profound knowledge" is obtained: "Commitment, independence, motivation, openness and the willingness to go one step further than others are attributes that were equally valued. Rapp said goodbye to the professors with very personal words: "My wish and my hope is, that you will also breathe just as much enthusiasm into future students as you did into me". On behalf of all graduates, he finally thanked the professors and the staff of the university. The ceremony was followed by an extensive celebration in the foyer of the Oberrheinhalle.