More than 92 percent of the Offenburg students rated the "handling of the pandemic by the university overall" in the inquieries of the Center for University Development (CHE), as very good or good. The fact that this is an outstanding value is shown in the comparison with the nationwide average values, which are at 83 percent. The in-depth analysis of the data using the example of the business degree programs in Gegenbach shows that Offenburg University is doing far above-average work for its students, especially in terms of reliable study success, even during the pandemic period.
The "opportunities for digital professional exchange among students" were rated more than 24 percentage points better at Offenburg University than the national average. This was followed by the categories "Teaching concept of the teaching staff especially for digital courses" (22 percentage points above average), "Transparency of requirements and performance targets" (15 percentage points above average), "Accessibility of contact persons" and "Enabling students to continue and complete their studies as planned" (each 12 percent above average).
"We are pleased that the excellent teamwork of all university members in the areas of study and teaching as well as administration has found this above-average recognition among our students," commented Offenburg's university rector Prof. Dr. Winfried Lieber on the externally confirmed top result, "this also acknowledges the many additional services provided by colleagues in the various areas in the past weeks and months."
Top Rating for Corona Management
Students rated the Corona Management of Offenburg University of Applied Sciences up to 24 percentage points better than the national average,
More than 92 percent of the Offenburg students rated the "handling of the pandemic by the university as a whole" as very good or good.