Robotics at a glance: Klosterschule Offenburg visits the Work-Life Robotics Institute

The pupils from Klosterschule Offenburg had an exciting day of theory and praxis at the Work-Life Robotics Institute. 

Markus Gapp mit einer Gruppe von Schuler*innen im Robotiklabor

Guided by Jennifer Blöchle and Markus Gapp, they were first given an informative tour of the laboratory. This illustrated the diverse applications and developments in the field of robotics. The Pupils saw industrial applications, student work and also innovative research projects.

After the theoretical introduction to the robotics world, it was time for the girls to get active themselves. The practical part began with the use of simulation software, which enabled the girls to familiarise themselves with virtual robots and take their first steps in programming robots.

It became particularly exciting when the girls had the opportunity to programme the small robot "Ned" themselves. Here they were able to demonstrate their creativity and technical skills by programming the robot with various tasks and motion sequences.

The highlight of the visit was undoubtedly the opportunity to control a real industrial robot. Under expert guidance, the girls were able to experience the robot in action and take control of it themselves. This practical experience not only gave them an insight into how industrial robots work, but also aroused their interest in possible future careers in robotics and automation.

The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience enabled the students to experience the world of robotics in a unique way and to deepen their enthusiasm for technology and innovation.