Remembering Gerlinde Kuhnmünch


Offenburg University remembers Mrs. Gerlinde Kuhnmünch, a long-standing head of Offenburg's Senior Service who held a Medal of Honor from the University.

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Gerlinde Kuhnmünch on June 24. Kuhnmünch headed the Senior Service from 2002 to 2010. During this time, she made significant contributions to establishing the Senior Service as a unique service institution for international students in Germany. It was her oft-expressed conviction that, "If we want our international students to feel comfortable here and experience Germany as a rich cultural and educational country, we have to connect them with educated, helpful and cosmopolitan people." With perseverance and assertiveness, but also her own diplomacy and cordiality, Kuhnmünch built networks and brought people together. She volunteered a lot for the Hochschule and was an integral part of it.

Gerlinde Kuhnmünch was awarded Offenburg University's Medal of Honor in 2010. We mourn the loss and will always retain respectful memories of her committed and open-minded personality. Our deepest sympathies go to her family.