Panamanian Ambassador Visits University


Enrique Alberto Thayer Hausz, ambassador of the Republic of Panama to Germany, visited the University to learn about opportunities for students from Panama and training of vocational school teachers.

[Translate to English:] Professoren mit Botschafter im Labor
© [Translate to English:] Hochschule Offenburg

Prorector Oliver Schäfer began by introducing the guest to Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, its degree programs and the course of study. "The model of a University of Applied Sciences with the scientific qualification and the strong practical relevance, is exactly what we need today," said Enrique Alberto Thayer Hausz. He was also very interested in the StudiumPLUS, which combines technical and pedagogical expertise and prepares graduates to become teachers at vocational schools. These programs are offered in cooperation with the Freiburg University of Education since 2003.

Lydia Dantas Schindler, Marketing Manager of the Graduate School, informed the ambassador about the English-taught Master's programs as well as the services offered to international students at Offenburg University. With the Graduate School, the University maintains an institution that provides individual support to students from all over the world. The employees solve, for example, questions about tuition costs, which also interested Prof. Hans-Peter Mengele, who came with Hausz and is, among other things, chairman of the board of trustees of the "German Leadership Award e.V.", consult students concerning German courses or help with finding accommodation. Currently, around 500 international students are enrolled at Offenburg. The head of the International Center, Dr. Alexander Burdumy, pointed out that the university also maintains partnerships with more than 80 universities worldwide.

In the Cambio Vista project coordinated by Prof. Dr. Heiner Behring and Heinz-Dieter Ritzau, media productions are being created together with students from Panama and Costa Rica on climate change and Agenda 2030 with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

A tour of the Regional Energy Innovation Center (RIZ) led by Prof. Dr. Jens Pfafferott rounded out the program.

"The visit of the Panamanian ambassador illustrates the status that our university also has internationally. The high practical relevance and the quality of teaching and research are good arguments for young people and companies far beyond the country's borders to come to Offenburg," said Oliver Schäfer.