Innovative robotics applications for SMEs – Südwestmetall explores new opportunities

On October 24, Südwestmetall members explored new robotics applications and funding opportunities for SMEs at Work-Life Robotics Institute.

A group of people in a big hall
A person giving a presentation to a group of seated people
A person demonstrating a robot on a bar to a group of people

On October 24, Südwestmetall members had a unique opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the fascinating possibilities of robotics applications. A special highlight was the tour of the innovative Work-Life Robotics Institute, where a range of collaboration options were presented, from bachelor’s theses to full-scale research projects.

It was impressive to see how the ideal setup could be found for any interest or challenge. The event concluded with examples from the robotics consulting services offered by the Interreg program, which is specifically designed to support and promote SMEs.