Innovations, robotics and a lightning: adventures at the Käpsele Innovation Festival

RobotHub visited the event in Freiburg and presented the EU co-financed Interreg project and its Cobot.

drei Personen, die sich neben einem Roboterarm unterhalten
Eine Person, die einen Roboterarm bedient

Last Monday, the RobotHub-Team had the pleasure to present the Interreg project RobotHub at a stand at the Käpsele Innovation Festival in Freiburg. A real highlight for us and all technology enthusiasts!

The goal? To draw the attention of small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups to the exciting EU co-financed Interreg project and show how robots can transform the future of work. And of course, the favourite cobot was not to be missed - a real crowd puller!

It was particularly pleasing that the team was also able to reach many students and inform them about the project. The curiosity and enthusiasm of the next generation was infectious, and it was great to answer their many questions and hear their ideas.

The event was a great success until dark clouds suddenly gathered and a powerful thunderstorm descended upon the festival ground. But no worries, the brave Cobot was heroically protected by the team! With a mixture of improvisation and team spirit, all fought together against the into the stand invading masses of rain and finally brought the robot to a safe environment.

Despite the wild weather, the team had a fantastic time and was able to have many exciting conversations. Thanks to everyone who came along and talked to the team about the future of robotics. And a big thank you to the team for keeping their heads up even in the storm!

Onwards to new adventures, and always stay innovative (and dry)!