A World Tour in the Lecture Hall

Pictures, dance and stories from around the world: At Offenburg University's popular "International Evening" on 22 November 2017, first-year international students presented their home countries.

They come from Kurdistan, Morocco, Colombia, India, Poland, and 75 other countries: A total of 591 students from abroad are currently enrolled at Hochschule Offenburg. At the annual International Evening, some of the newly arrived international students presented their home countries. With stories, anecdotes, short lectures and dance, they took the audience on a journey to their homelands. The large lecture hall was occupied to the last seat.

"With this evening, we want to show that there is a multi-faceted, colourful and above all peaceful world - not the world that we meet every day in the news," said Professor Torsten Schneider, Director of the International Center. The fact that the International Evening, jointly organized by the Graduate School and the International Office, was held for the 26th time this year makes the event no less exciting:"The International Evening is an absolute highlight of the academic year," said University Rector Winfried Lieber.

A feast for all the senses, the demonstrations on stage were followed by an ample buffet of culinary specialities from the students' home countries, prepared by themselves and met with happy enthusiasm by the audience. Encore!

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