International Center


University Internationally in Great Demand


Around 190 students from all over the world began their studies at Offenburg University in the winter semester of 2021/22.

[Translate to English:] Das Bild zeigt Internationale Studierende in einem Hörsaal und auf einer Leinwand die Gesichter der noch in ihren Heimatländern weilenden in Form von Zoom-Kacheln.
© [Translate to English:] Hochschule Offenburg

[Translate to English:] 42 der multinationalen Studierende waren zu der Begrüßung noch online aus ihren Heimatländern zugeschaltet.

That's more than 19 percent of all freshmen. They come from 44 countries. "The fact that so many of you have found your way to Offenburg despite the difficulties currently associated with it is proof of the high reputation that Offenburg University of Applied Sciences enjoys around the world," said a delighted Prorector Prof. Dr. Andrea Müller at the welcoming ceremony, to which 42 international students joinded online from their home countries. "We hope to be able to welcome you with us soon as well," Andrea Müller declared.

Afterwards, Dr. Alexander Burdumy, the director of the International Center, briefly introduced the institution and offered the international students support in all life situations. Staff members of the International Center provided information about the various services offered, such as housing, individual counseling and support, the varied cultural program and the summer language course, as well as the surrounding area. Finally, there was an entertaining round of getting to know each other.

Most of the international freshmen come from India (39), France (18), Turkey (14), the Syrian Arab Republic (13) and Iran (11). Overall, the international students are spread across 27 different degree programs, including 18 bachelor's and nine master's programs. The most popular among first-year students from all over the world continue to be the six English-taught master's programs at the Graduate School, which are also taken by numerous Germans. In the Bachelor's program, most international first-year students this time chose the trinational study program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology  (EI3nat).

After the official welcome, the international students met in small groups with members of the Senior Service for various city tours.


Senior Service

The Senior Service is a joint project for international students of Offenburg University and the Senior Citizens Office of the City of Offenburg. The university and the senior citizens' office organize various get-togethers, such as a "Kaffeeklatsch", a mini-golf afternoon or a joint Christmas party. In addition, the seniors offer the foreign students guided tours of Offenburg and Gengenbach, a hike in the Black Forest, support in learning German, family connection and, if needed, individual and personal assistance. In addition, there are activities for smaller groups, such as a cooking class or a choir. Often, close friendships develop from this that last far beyond the studies. Seniors who are also interested in getting involved with the Senior Service can contact the project manager Franz Roser, phone: 0781/561 58, e-mail: