Title | Messungen an einer Rogowski-Spule |
Short Description | Eintägige Messungen an einer Rogowski-Spule |
Year Of Acquisition | 2014 |
Start Date | 2014-09-19 |
End Date | 2014-09-19 |
Project Managers | Nuß, Uwe, Prof. Dr. |
Faculties | EMI |
Institution | |
Funder Kind | Industrie |
Private Funders | Badische Stahlwerke GmbH, Kehl |
Public Funders | |
Sponsorship | |
Cooperation Partners | |
Research focus of the university | Sichere, autonome und KI-basierte Systeme |
Dissertation |
Project Finances
Year | Amount Type | Sum | Description |
Fördersumme III (brutto mit PP) | 315.00 € |