Press Releases
On this page you will find the press releases of Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, keeping you up to date on current topics relating to teaching, research, events and much more. You can also access the University's Campus Magazine (until 2021), the "Campus" pages in the Offenburger Tageblatt and other publications of the university.
If you have further questions please contact the mentioned contact person.
Press Releases
Der Nuklearmediziner Professor Dr. Andreas Otte lehrt an der Hochschule Offenburg "Biomedizinische Systemtechnik" und hat einen Kommentar…
This year 32 students of the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg received German scholarships. These students met their sponsors in the…
Summer Semester 2012: The Bachelor and Master Diplomas were handed over at the graduation ceremony in the Oberrheinhalle to the 376…
The University of Applied Sciences in the company of the Baden Württemberg Minister for Finance Mr. Nils Schmid, marked the beginning of the…
Gengenbachs Bürgermeister Thorsten Erny hat im Beisein von Landrat Frank Scherer und Hochschulrektor Professor Dr. Winfried Lieber mit der…
The University of Applied Sciences Offenburg is the first European partner of the third “International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean…
Die Hochschule Offenburg ist dem nationalen Pakt "Komm, mach MINT." beigetreten. Ziel ist es, junge Frauen für Mathematik, Informatik,…