Westhoff, Dirk

Westhoff, Dirk

Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. 
network security, network planing & -management, dependable distributed systems, security in web-applications, international security trends, objectoriented and procedural programming, operating systems
  • Room: D304
  • Badstraße 24, 77652 Offenburg
  • nach Vereinbarung


Academic Career

Since 2014 Dr. Westhoff is a professor at the M+I department at the university of applied sciences Offenburg. He studied computer science at the university of Dortmund. He finished the doctoral degree in 2000 at the distance university of Hagen as well as his habilitation in 2007. From 2001 to 2009 he was with NEC Europe Ltd. From 2009 to 2014 he held professorships at the universities of applied sciences in Hamburg, and subsequently in Furtwangen.  

Research Interests

Research Projects

  • current projects: PAL SAaaS (BW-Stiftung)
  • completed projects: ProSeCCo (BMBF), BMBF UNIKOPS, BMBF SKIMS, BMWi Smart Power Hamburg, BMBF Safest, EU FP7 STREP WSAN4CIP, EU FP6 STREP UbiSec&Sens, EU FP6 IP DAIDALOS, BMBF IPonAir, EU FP7 IP SENSEI, EU FP5 IP MobyDick


Books Contributions

  • D. Westhoff, Gedanken zu Autonomieverschiebungen durch Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Buchkapitel in: In 'Das Streben nach Autonomie - Reflexionen zum Digitalen Wandel, Nomos Verlag, pp. 67- 79, Hrsg. T. Breyer-Mayländer, März 2018
  • D. Westhoff, Security and Dependability Solutions for 4G Wireless Access Networks, FernUniversität in Hagen, kumulative Habilitationsschrift, März 2007
  • A.Weimerskirch, D. Westhoff, S. Lucks, E. Zenner, Efficient Pairwise Authentication Protocols for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks, Buchkapitel in Wiley-IEEE Press: Sensor Network Operations, pp. 535- 557, Editors: Shashi Phoha, Thomas F. La Porta, Christopher Griffin, May 2006
  • D. Westhoff, Mobile Agenten, Buchkapitel in: Handbuch Unternehmensnetze - zukunftssicherer Einsatz und Betrieb heterogener DV- und TK- Netze, Hrsg. F. Kaderali, Verlag Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst ISBN 3-87156-402-8, October. 2001
  • D. Westhoff, Ein dezentrales Agentensystem unter Berücksichtigung mehrseitiger Sicherheit, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2000, ISBN 3-8265-8117-2

Reviewed Papers

The five most recent publications:

  • Measuring the World - How the Smartphone Industry Impacts Cyber Deterrence Credibility D. Westhoff, M. Zeiser,  International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), volume 8, issue 2, April 2018
  • Pre-Computing Appropriate Parameters: How to Accelerate Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption for Cloud Auditing, L. Tajan, M. Kaumanns, D. Westhoff, IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security, February 2018, Paris, France (best paper award)
  • Cache Covert Channel Mitigation in Cloud Virtualization with XEN's Credit Scheduler, M. Zeiser, J. Betz, D. Westhoff, IEEE Global Communications Conference - Communication & Information Systems Security Symposium, Singapore, December 2017
  • Survey on covert-channels in virtual machines and cloud computing, J. Betz, D. Westhoff, G. Müller, Wiley Journal Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, DOI: 10.1002/ett.3134, indexed in ISI, impact factor 1.295, 2017.
  • Re-visited: On the Value of purely Software-based Code Attestation for Embedded Devices, M. Zeiser, D. Westhoff, I4CS, Springer CCIS, Vienna, Austria, June 2016.

Ten selected publications:

  • Privacy-enhanced architecture for smart metering F.G. Marmol, C. Sorge, R. Petrlic, O. Ugus, D. Westhoff, International Journal of Information Security (2): 67-82 (2013), impact factor 0.941 (2013)
  • Dependable Over-the-Air Programming J.M. Bohli, A. Hessler, K. Maier, O.Ugus, D. Westhoff, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN), 2011. indexed in ISI
  • Data Obfuscation with Network Coding A. Hessler, T. Kakumaru, H. Perrey, D. Westhoff, Elsevier Computer Communications, indexed in ISI, impact factor 0.933 (2010)
  • A Survey on the Encryption of Convergecast-Traffic with In-Network Processing P. Steffen, D. Westhoff, C. Castelluccia, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, January-March 2010 (vol. 7 no.1), pp. 20-34, ISSN: 1545-5971, indexed in ISI, impact factor 2.093 (2010)
  • A ROM-friendly secure code update mechanism for WSNs using a stateful-verifier T-time signature scheme O. Ugus, D. Westhoff, J.M. Bohli, Proceedings of the Second ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security, ACM WiSec 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, March 16-19, 2009
  • A lifetime-optimized end-to-end encryption scheme for sensor networks allowing in-network processing F. Armknecht, D. Westhoff, A. Hessler, J. Girao, Elsevier Computer Communications. Vol. 31, issue 4, pp. 734-749, March 2008, indexed in ISI, impact factor 0.933 (2010)
  • TinyPEDS: Persistent Encrypted Data Storage in Asynchronous Wireless Sensor Networks J. Giroa, D. Westhoff, E. Mykletun, T. Araki, Elsevier Ad Hoc Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 7, pp. 1073-1089, September 2007, indexed in ISI, impact factor 1.293 (2010)
  • Concealed Data Aggregation for Reverse Multicast Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks: Encryption, Key Pre-distribution and Routing Adaptation D. Westhoff, J. Girao, M. Acharya, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, featured article, IEEE Computer Society highlight August 2006, Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 1417-1431, October 2006, indexed in ISI, impact factor 3.352 (2008)
  • Charging Support for Ad Hoc Stub Networks B. Lamparter, K. Paul, D. Westhoff, Elsevier Journal of Computer Communication, ‘Internet Pricing and Charging: Algorithms, Technology and Applications’, Elsevier Science, Volume 26, Issue 13, pp. 1504-1514, August 2003, indexed in ISI, impact factor 0.933 (2010)
  • Zero-Common Knowledge Authentication for Pervasive Networks A. Weimerskirch, D. Westhoff, 10th Selected Areas in Cryptography, SAC'03, Springer-Verlag LNCS 3006, pp. 73-87, Ottawa, Ontario, CA, August 2003.