Sichere, autonome und KI-basierte Systeme

Sichere, autonome und KI-basierte Systeme

Die digitale Transformation und der Ausbau cyber-physischer Systeme erfordern zunehmend kollaborative Lösungen und Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Cognitive Computing erhöht zugleich die Autonomie der Systeme (zum Beispiel autonome Fahrzeuge und Flugobjekte). Damit verbunden sind auch die Herausforderungen der Kommunikation und Schnittstellengestaltung zwischen den Komponenten und Systemen, die Datenerfassung und -analyse mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (u.a. Big Data, Maschinelles Lernen) sowie die IT-Sicherheit.

Geforscht wird hierzu vor allem am Affective and Cognitive Institute (ACI), am Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics (IMLA), am Institute for Unmanned Aerial Systems (IUAS) und am Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik (ivESK).

Title Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer, Yielding Extended Sensosphere - Appropriating sensor Technologies, machine learning, Gamification and smart haptic interfaces
Short Description Useful ICT innovations are continuously developed improving the quality of life for many people. However, such solutions do not typically included people with severe dual vision and hearing impairments, and at times also coupled with cognitive disability such as deafblindness. SUITCEYES proposes a new, intelligent, flexible and expandable mode of haptic communication via soft interfaces. Based on user needs and informed by disability studies, the project combines smart textiles, sensors, semantic technologies, image processing, face and object recognition, machine learning, and gamification. It will address three challenges: perception of the environment; communication and exchange of semantic content; learning and joyful life experiences.
Year Of Acquisition 2018
Start Date 2018-01-01
End Date 2021-06-30
Project Managers Korn, Oliver, Prof. Dr.
Faculties M
Institution ACI